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EPALE - Plataforma electrónica de aprendizaje de adultos en Europa


ELESA European Learning Syllabus for outdoor Animators

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Georgi Timcenko


European Learning Syllabus for outdoor Animators (ELESA)

The European LEarning Syllabus for outdoor Animators (ELESA) is a follow-on project of two previous projects on vocational and higher educational training in the outdoors: EQFOA (2006-2008) and CLO2 (2008-2010).

Both projects ware funded by the European Commission under the Leonardo da Vinci programme.

The European Qualification Framework for Outdoor Animators (EQFOA) focussed mainly on the description of the functions of, and the competences required by an ‘Outdoor Animator’.  The outcomes of this project were basically threefold:

1. Occupational map

2. Functional map

3. Competence Framework

The CLO2 project subsequently focused on bridging the gap between the competences (EQFOA) and Learning Outcomes to be delivered by a training provider.  The latter resulted in the

4. Learning Outcomes Framework

Focussing on training level EQF 5 (European Qualifications Framework) was estimated very important because the vast number of workers in the outdoor sector operate at this level.

After numerous and valuable discussions amongst EQFOA/CLO2 partners it became clear that the ‘sector of the outdoors’ should progress in developing a proper European Learning Syllabus for Outdoor Animators.  Moreover, it was recognised that in order to improve mobility of workers as well as to promote the concept of Life Long Learning (LLL), a European approach in training ‘outdoor animators’ is the appropriate way to reach these goals.

This is exactly what the ELESA project is about.

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Autor del recurso
Herman Smulder, editor
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