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EPALE - Elektronische Plattform für Erwachsenenbildung in Europa

16 Juli

Bridges for Trainers 2024

Profile picture for user n00b0gp9.
Kadi Kass
Community Hero (Gold Member).
The event serves to bring together experienced trainers, training providers, and Erasmus+ Youth, Sports and ESC NA/ SALTO RC staff working with trainers to reflect on trends and core issues in the youth field and effects on the work of trainers. 

Bridges for Trainers is a space to debate on trends and issues related to training in the youth field. The event will serve as a space to (re-)connect and explore the life of trainers nowadays in the political Europe.

There will also be  a strong emphasis to connect and network with other active trainers and stakeholders. 

After several online editions since 2020, the German National Agency in cooperation with SALTO T&C is glad to invite the community of practice to Bonn. Since the last residential Bridges for Trainers in 2018, the reality of the community of practice has changed significantly. Bridges for Trainers 2024 will explore what we are leaving behind and what we are taking into the future as trainers, training providers, National Agencies and SALTOs in the European Youth programmes.  

What’s in it for you?  

The main intentions for Bridges for Trainers 2024 are: 

  • To explore the trends in training, 
  • To explore the emerging role of trainers and training,  
  • To provide updates about developments on youth work policies, 
  • To re-connect with the community of practice and encourage networking among trainers and training providers. 

Bridges for Trainers will take place from 16th to 19th of July 2024 in Bonn/Germany, wherein the first and last day are travel days. Bridges for Trainers will offer an interactive programme with workshops, inputs and open spaces for the participants to explore the topics of relevance for them. About 80 participants are expected to participate in the event.  

Participant profile for this call: 

  • Trainers experienced in youth workers’ and youth leaders’ training  
  • Training course providers implementing training strategies for trainers 
Event Details
As planned
Art des Veranstalters
Andere Veranstaltung
Hybrid event
Organiser name
SALTO Training & Cooperation (SALTO Resource Centre)
Wissenschaftler, Studenten, Forscher auf dem Gebiet der Erwachsenenbildung
Einrichtungen und Netzwerke der Erwachsenenbildung

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