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Public Consultation Launched by the European Commission

Profile picture for user n0031t9j.

The Commission has launched the public consultation in the context of the evaluation process of the Erasmus+ programme.

In line with EU better regulation principles, the consultation will run for 12 weeks until 8 December 2023, and is available in all 24 EU languages.

The public consultation will help the Commission to collect the views of citizens and organisations on Erasmus+, the EU’s flagship programme for education, training, youth and sport.

It will gather information and views on the delivery and results of the novelties introduced in this generation of the programme.

It will also provide useful insights on the delivery of inclusion measures, simplification progress, and seek input from citizens and stakeholders regarding programme’s resilience, societal contributions, and their suggestions on the future of Erasmus+.


Why they are consulting 

Building on the call for evidence conducted in 2022, this public consultation will feed into the assessment of the Erasmus+ programme’s overall performance around five criteria (effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence, EU added-value). In parallel to this, the Commission will run other targeted consultations and data collection exercises such as surveys, interviews, and data analysis.


The consultation can be accessed via:

Erasmus+ 2021-27 interim evaluation & Erasmus+ 2014-20 final evaluation (


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