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Guide to Human Rights

The Guide to Human Rights is a user-friendly tool that explains fundamental rights in various areas of social life. It is created with the purpose of better understanding one's rights and obligations, as well as developing the ability to apply human rights in concrete situations. With the help of the Guide, you can learn to recognize, enforce, and defend your rights, thereby contributing to the prevention of human rights violations, promoting equality and sustainable development, and strengthening participation in democratic processes. The Guide explains in an understandable way - in both Slovenian and English - what rights you have during police detention, in judicial proceedings, in asylum procedures, and in family relationships. Over time, new areas will be added to the Guide.

The Guide to Human Rights was developed within the framework of the European platform of non-governmental organizations and public institutions that have come together with the aim of improving and consolidating a common understanding of human rights among residents and experts, and contributing to informed and responsible individuals and to a society based on democracy and the rule of law. The project partner in Slovenia is the Peace Institute.

Guide to human rights image.

The author of the article, Iza Thaler, is a collaborator of the Peace Institute, Slovenia, working on the development of the Guide to Human Rights project. Her work includes content preparation for the Guide, promotion, and coordination with partners and stakeholders.

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Vodnik po človekovih ravicah.
Autor der Ressource
Mirovni inštitut, Baltic Human Rights Society
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