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EPALE - Elektronische Plattform für Erwachsenenbildung in Europa


Understanding Participatory and Digital Learning: A Guide for Adult Educators

Profile picture for user Liverpool World Centre.
Liverpool World Centre DEPAL Project (Digital Education and Participatory Adult Learning)

DEPAL logo.

"Understanding Participatory and Digital Learning: A Guide for Adult Educators" is the first publication of the Digital Education Participatory Adult Learning (DEPAL) project. 

This guide on participatory learning and digital storytelling is free to download and it is aimed at individuals working in both formal and informal education, and will support the engagement of learners and explore how to provide learners with agency in their learning. It is the result of collaboration between organisations working in the UK, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Greece and the UK. Each chapter of the guide has been written by one of the DEPAL partners organisations across Europe and, as such, each has a different perspective brought from that organisation’s own experience and field of expertise.

Chapters include:

  • Background thinking – Participatory Adult Learning
  • Creating Safe Spaces for Dialogue
  • Faithful and Holistic Adult Learning
  • The Coin of Communication: Listening & Speaking
  • Digital Storytelling: Group Facilitation in Digital Learning


Download it, read it and share it as widely as possible! 

Resource Details
Autor der Ressource
DEPAL project
Art der Ressource
Offene Bildungsressourcen
United Kingdom
Datum der Veröffentlichung
Sprache des Dokuments
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