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The Digital Economy and Society Index 2020

Profile picture for user nvalealt.

The Digital Economy and Society Index 2020.

The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) monitors Europe’s overall digital performance and tracks the progress of EU countries in terms of their digital competitiveness. Providing data on the state of digitisation of each Member State helps to identify which areas should take priority in terms of investment and action.

The DESI 2020 reports are based on 2019 data. They assess the status of the digital economy and society prior to the pandemic. The current crisis is having a significant impact on key societal indicators relating to the use of internet services by citizens. This does not show in the latest 2019 official statistics reported in DESI. Consequently, the DESI 2020 findings need to be read in conjunction with the large number of digital-related measures taken by the Commission and the Member States in order to manage the pandemic and to support the economic recovery. DESI is made up of 5 parts:

  1. Connectivity
    Fixed broadband take-up, fixed broadband coverage, mobile broadband and broadband prices
  2. Human capital
    Internet user skills and advanced skills
  3. Use of internet
    Citizens' use of internet services and online transactions
  4. Integration of digital technology
    Business digitisation and e-commerce
  5. Digital public services

Resource Details
Autor der Ressource
Digital Economy and Skills Unit of the DG CONNECT, European Commission
Art der Ressource
Studien und Berichte
Datum der Veröffentlichung
Sprache des Dokuments
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Profile picture for user Czirfusz Dóra.
Dóra Czirfusz
Fr., 19.06.2020 - 13:24

A very interesting research topic would be to analyze how countries have achieved success in education (both public and higher education) during Covid-19 in relation to their DESI index. I look forward to comprehensive international results on the educational solutions of the past few months.
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