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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě



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Přidejte svou organizaci do Hledání partnerů na EPALE. Tím svůj profil zviditelníte a ostatním dáte na vědomí, že se chcete zapojit do celoevropské spolupráce.

Dobrá rada: Dobrá rada: Uveďte co nejvíce informací o své organizaci a druhu aktivit, do nichž jste zapojeni, aby vás ostatní uživatelé mohli snadno najít.

Applied Filters

EDUNET” Organization  is a Romanian  NGO aiming  to provide services and resources for promoting lifelong education, for supporting  professional education, education for active citizenship and for lasting development.
Victor DUDAU
EDUNET” Organization  is a Romanian  NGO aiming  to provide services and resources for promoting lifelong education, for supporting  professional education, education for active citizenship and for lasting development.
Victor DUDAU
EDUNET” Organization  is a Romanian  NGO aiming  to provide services and resources for promoting lifelong education, for supporting  professional education, education for active citizenship and for lasting development.
Victor DUDAU
We are looking for a partner for our Erasmus + KA2 project. If there is a demand from the institutions of the EU member countries, especially France, which are at the secondary school level, you will be immediately contacted. Our project is related to horizontal transposition,...
    The Samogitian Museum “Alka” is the main historical museum of Samogitia in Telšiai. It was established in 1932 and opened on 16th of February. The museum offers the most comprehensive exhibit of Samogitian cultural development in Lithuania. It also introduces the visitor t...
Profile picture for user Ajida.
Ajida Stančienė