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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě

Organisation Details

JUMP to LIFE, o.p.s.

Czech Republic.

I am writing to you on the behalf of the organization SKOK do života, o.p.s. with the seat in the Czech Republic, Hradec Králové.

We are an organization, which has been occupying with people with mental disability in the long term. Our services focus on the field of preparation for an independent life, independent housing and employment of people with health impairments. More on our web pages:

Within the frame of Erasmus+ Mobility we are searching for an organization with similar focus, which would provide us the internships in the length of four days for our employees. Three internships would take place in your organization in total. One for three workers from management and two for two workers from the direct work each. Rough schedule is as follows: first one in second half of 2018, second in 2019 and the third in the first half of 2020 (the schedule would be specified).

The objective of the internships is to get to know your organization, services that you provide and your philosophy towards work with people with impairment.

We are able to pay you for all internships. At the same time, we are offering the opportunity for you to send your employees to the Czech Republic. Unfortunately the rules of the Erasmus+ project don not allow us to get finances for it, so the costs would have to be covered by your part. We consider the exchange and sharing of the experience from the field of work with people with disability among the EU organizations as highly profitable for further development of persons who work wit people with impairment.

Thank you and please, let us know about your opinion as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Jitka Jirsová

Organisation Details
Oblast aktivit / zájmů
Adult education provider
Internetová stránka organizace

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