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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě


Call for Facilitator Opportunity!

Profile picture for user n00b0gp9.
Kadi Kass
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Are you passionate about youth engagement and volunteering on a European level? Do you have experience in facilitating online events? We are looking for a facilitator to lead 2 online events focusing on the future of European youth engagement programs.

About the Events:

Duration: 2 sessions, each lasting 1.5 hours

Objective: To explore the potential of the European Solidarity Corps as a future European youth engagement program and to discuss complementarity and synergies with other EU programs.

Audience: Beneficiaries of European (youth) programs, political stakeholders, experts, researchers, and anyone interested in volunteering and engagement on European, national, and regional levels.


1st online event: 1st week of June 2024

2nd online event: 1st week of July 2024

(Exact dates & times to be decided)

Trainer Profile:

  • Experience in facilitating online events

  • Knowledge of the European Solidarity Corps

  • Familiarity with the landscape of European programs (an advantage)

  • Ability to draw from various learning experiences

  • Proficiency in spoken and written English

If you're enthusiastic about shaping the future of European youth engagement and have the skills we're looking for, we want to hear from you!

Read more and send your application following this link.

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