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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě

Event Details

11 Říj

Creative making, museums and lifelong learning

Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Creative making, museums and lifelong learning 11.10.2022, Theatre museum, Helsinki

This event is aimed at museum professionals to spread the methods developed and guidelines produced in the Erasmus+ CREMA-project to a wider audience. Participants can also try hands-on activities and learn the methods by hands-on activities. The target audience is museum professionals and other adult educators. Seminar (except workshops) will be recorded and record will be available online later. 

Event is free for all participants. Registration for the event by 4 October, 2022.  

Learning outcomes from this event: 

- Inspiration to work with creative making 

- Understanding of how museum material can be used 

- Improved knowledge of how to reach out to and work with different target groups 

- New or improved skills of using methods for different making activities 


9.30 Registration 

10.00 Welcome and presentation of the CREMA project 

10.45 How to build a makerspace? Deborah Hustic, Creative Director Radiona - Zagreb Makerspace 

11.15 Examples from Finnish museums

  • Engaging non-finnish speaking public, Erja Salo, Head of Learning and Public Programmes and Zara Asgher,  interdisciplinary visual artist and educator, The Finnish museum of photography

Case: The Finnish Museum of Photography / CREMA 

Museumbox and From one professional to another are examples where partisipants with different experiences and backgrounds can learn from each other. All is based on museums’ collections.  

12.00 Lunch 

13.30 Workshop facilitators present their workshops 

13.45-14.45 Workshops round 1 (Participants can choose two different workshops. Registration takes place on site)


Workshop 1: Access to museum materials for visually impaired or blind visitors using archaeological methods and findings

Organizer: Museum of Copenhagen, Denmark

To give participants the possibility to try the methods used with visually impaired or blind museum visitors which give them an insight into archaeological methods and archaeological findings of museum materials.


Workshop 2: Tools to map and target museum audiences

Organizer: BAM! Strategie Culturali, Italy

Part 1: Introduction to tools and methods for understanding, describing and targeting museum  audiences (maps, user personas, user journey…) 

Part 2: Short exercise on the tools, short discussion on audiences and making in museums (which audiences can be stimulated to engage with our museum with making activities? Which audiences are more distant from our core offer, but could be possibly interested in making experiences? What kind of “making”...?) 


Workshop 3: Methods of co-creating for innovation in museums/

Organizer: Think Tank Creative Museum, Latvia

In this workshop, on example of selected case studies participants will learn about such experimental co-creating methods as a hackathon and more traditional ones such as artist in residence and competition for the best creative idea. 


Workshop 4: Using museum objects for discussion, inspiration and intergenerational learning

Organizer: The Regional Museum of Skåne, Sweden 

In this workshop, the participants will get insight into how museum objects can be beneficial for discussion, intergenerational learning and creative making. Different museum objects will be discussed at the workshop as an example of how they can build bridges between generations and work as a spark for conversation, curiosity, knowledge and creativity. 


Workshop 5: Experience the world from the pov of a person living with disabilities

Organizer: Hungarian open air museum „Skanzen”, Hungary 

During this workshop, you can learn about how people with diverse disabilities perceive their surroundings. Try yourself in different situations and learn about abilities and disabilities via your own experiences. This workshop will help you to understand the needs of different people and will give you advice on how to make your space and programmes even more inclusive for everyone. 

14.45 Coffee 

15.15-16.15 Workshops round 2 

16.30 End of event 



Event Details
As planned
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Jiná událost
Hybrid event
Organiser name
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