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Barriers to entry, deregulation and workplace training: A theoretical model with evidence from Europe

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Sibel Somyürek

The paper presents a model on workplace training by using evidence from Europe. For this pupose authors conducted an  empirical analysis of the relationship between product market regulation and workplace training in the European context. They have used repeated cross section data extracted from the European Labour Force Survey, and a sample of 15 European countries and 12 industrial sectors. They have identified two contrasting effects at work: on the one hand, a reduction in the barriers to entry for a given number of firms compresses profits per unit of output, and thereby reduces training. On the other hand, and conditional on profits per unit of output, additional entry increases the output (and profit) gains from training, which facilitates investment. They presented the model in two subsections: the case of firm-specific training, and the case of general training.

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Autor zdroje
Andrea Bassanini and Giorgio Brunello
Jiný stav autorských práv
Typ zdroje
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