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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě




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This exhibition brings together 28 European projects about adult learning in different countries across Europe. These projects aim to ensure the well-being of any individuals by giving them the chance to acquire skills and knowledge no matter their social backgrounds.

This exhibition is published on A3 posters and available online. Any organization in Europe can easily download, share, print, display this exhibition and organize its #ErasmusDays event. Please download the posters here:


Integration of refugees, use of new technologies by teachers, transfer of knowledge, know-how and expertise on childbirth education, educational integration of prisoners, the emergence of ecological solutions in construction… Here are just some samples of the many projects that teachers, trainers, researchers, academics, volunteers are carrying out all over Europe to develop sustainable and inclusive skills among adult beneficiaries.

For the 2019 #ErasmusDays edition, 28 countries gathered photos along with a description of one of their national adult learning projects to create the Adult learning European exhibition: Albania, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

The Adult learning European exhibition is a unique opportunity to make Erasmus+ project about adult learning visible to all citizens, professionals, and policymakers. Indeed, on the occasion of the #ErasmusDays the 10, 11 and 12th of October 2019, this exhibition will be share on the EPALE platform: 

This exhibition will enable you to learn more about Erasmus+ opportunities, find European partners to build your project, and get inspiration from good practices

Through these diverse activities, EPALE‘s goals are to encourage social and professional inclusion for all adults, throughout their whole life, especially disadvantaged groups who need them most.

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