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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě

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Digital Citizenship Basics for Turkish Adult Learners

Profile picture for user maocak.
Mehmet Ocak
Community Hero (Gold Member).

The purpose of this paper is to explain the definition, dimensions, and effects of the concept of Digital Citizenship, which comes into our lives because of the development of information and communication technologies. Accordingly, this paper focuses on the concept of e-government, online shopping, internet banking, and social networks and discusses the important concerns in the light of in-depth literature review. The focus will be on Turkish adult learners’ understanding of new media and tools. Prior research clearly shows the comparison of traditional government and e-government. This paper also argues some of the key properties of the Turkish e-government portal project, providing communication infrastructure and accessing services from a single point. The paper, also, discusses some of the leading e-shopping examples of Turkey to give an idea of digital citizenship and online banking features. Moreover, the important precautions regarding online banking and social networks, which must be taken into account by users, are explained in detail.

Resource Details
Autor zdroje
Mehmet Akif Ocak
Typ zdroje
Studie a zprávy
Datum zveřejnění
Jazyk dokumentu
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