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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě

Organisation Details

Eskişehir Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism


Eskişehir Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism is a public (nonprofit) institution operating under the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism which is the governing body with the ultimate responsibility for activities, services and facilities related to culture and tourism in Turkey.

The Directorate performs its work and projects with the mission and purpose of revealing, preserving, improving and handing down our city’s natural, cultural and historical values; facilitating the access to information for raising social awareness; diversifying, marketing, promoting and monitoring tourism; increasing the share of our city in the country’s and the world’s tourism through dynamic culture and tourism policies; introducing our city’s culture; and among all carrying out its work and projects at the international level especially.

Organisation Details
Oblast aktivit / zájmů
National, Regional or local government organisation
Internetová stránka organizace

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