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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih


EBSN podcast series on EPALE: Re-thinking Adult Basic Skills - Research, policy and practice

This is EBSN’s podcast that is the second part of the discussion on re-thinking adult basic skills due to current challenges.


EPALE Podcast - Re - Thinking Adult Basic Skills In The 21st Century, Research, Policy And Practice

In the current session we wanted to stop to take a look at the diverse and multi-disciplinary concept of literacy and other basic skills to attempt a better understanding of how are these terms changing now and what are the implications of the global processes (e.g. digitalisation, pandemics). In this endevaour, we were accompanied by innovative educational thinkers, researchers, policy experts who were our partners in analysing the constituents adult basic skills’ many-faced nature from three different angles i.e. research, policy and practice.

Our first guest from the field of research is Réka Vágvölgyi, Senior Research Scientist from University of Kaiserslautern, Developmental Psychology & Cognitive Science who we asked to share some research-based implications on key perspectives into adult literacy research. Our second speaker, Graciela Sbertoli, Secretary General of EBSN, we asked to share the major considerations of policy development for adult basic skills today. Our third speaker, Sam Duncan, Associate Professor in Adult Education and Literacies at UCL Institute of Education, shared her insights from the practical perspectives based on inspirational initiatives she has been involved in (e.g. Reading Aloud in Britain – RABiT; Reading circles) and we also discussed some perspectives in the changing expectations towards adult literacy trainers’ professional expertise.

Among others, the following questions emerged through the discussions:

  • How can we understand basic skills challenge in the light of scientific research?

  • What can we learn from quantitative research about cognitive profiles and the factors leading to challenges in reading, writing, our nuremate behaviour etc?

  • How does the future of basic skills policy look like?

  • What are the policy and practice-related innovations that we cannot overlook in the future?

  • What are the main fields of expertise for adult literacy teachers and how have these changed over time?

Contributing experts and links to organisations

Dr Réka Vágvölgyi, Senior Research Scientist from University of Kaiserslautern, Developmental Psychology & Cognitive Science

Réka Vágvölgyi studied psychology at the University of Pécs. In 2014, she joined the LEAD Graduate School & Research Network at the University of Tübingen to work on a research project on low literacy in adulthood. She received her PhD in 2018. Currently, she is working at the University of Kaiserslautern on a project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research. Together with national and international collaborators, she is assessing the similarities and differences between low literate adults and people with developmental dyslexia concerning cognitive profile, causes, and intervention.

Graciela Sbertoli, Secretary General of the European Basic Skills Network

Graciela is currently the General Secretary of the European Basic Skills Network. She has been involved in adult education since 1982. She represented Norway in the European Commission’s Grundtvig Working Group (2001-2005), and as National Coordinator for Adult Learning from 2006 to 2007. In 2010 she launched the European Basic Skills Network. In her current position she is cooperating with the Commission and a variety of European stakeholders for the implementation of the Upskilling Pathways initiative.

Dr Sam Duncan, Associate Professor in Adult Education and Literacies at UCL Institute of Education

Sam Duncan is currently an Associate Professor in Adult Education and Literacies at the UCL Institute of Education in London, where is she also Co-Director of the International Literacy Centre, Co-Director of the Centre for Post-14 Education and Work and Academic Head of Learning and Teaching for the Department of Education, Practice and Society. Sam's background is as an adult literacies and language teacher, and since 2005, she has been working in teacher education and literacies research. She is the author of Reading Circles, Novels and Adult Reading Development (Bloomsbury/Continuum, 2012) and Reading for Pleasure and Reading Circles for Adult Emergent Readers (NIACE, 2014). Her most recent research project has been published in the Routledge Literacies series as the book Oral Literacies: When Adults Read Aloud (2021), and Sam is currently exploring the nature and development of the expertise of adult literacies practitioners.  

  • Sam’s presentation at EBSN’s 2021 Conference: New and old perspectives on the professional expertise of adult literacy practitioners. (video recording also available)



Below you can find the transcript of the podcast.

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Marija Elena Borg
Čet, 12/16/2021 - 11:33

Sam Duncan: "So those of us who may see themselves as devoted to adult literacies, thinking about adult literacy studies or have certain types of expertise to do with adult literacies to keep working in it and kind of stick together. So, I don't think we should see each other in opposition or kind of be fighting each other but rather we're all working on something that we think is very important. And we need to stick together to keep working, to keep talking, to keep thinking, and to keep this area alive".

Couldn't agree more!

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