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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа

12 Юли

18th International Conference on e-Learning and Digital Learning 2024

Hungary,  Budapest
Profile picture for user hkaygin.
Hüseyin KAYGIN
Служебна карта за най-добър участник.

Acceptance will be based primarily on originality, significance and quality of contribution.

Topics for this conference include, but are not limited to:

Organisational Strategy and Management Issues– Higher and Further Education– Primary and Secondary Education– Workplace Learning– Vocational Training– Home Schooling– Distance Learning– Blended Learning– Change Management– Educational Management– Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for Educational and Training Staff– Return on e-Learning Investments (ROI)Technological Issues– Learning Management Systems (LMS)– Managed Learning Environments (MLEs)– Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)– Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) Tools– Social Support Software– Architecture of Educational Information Systems Infrastructure– Security and Data Protection– Learning Objects– XML Schemas and the Semantic Web– Web 2.0 Applications
e-Learning Curriculum Development Issues– Philosophies and Epistemologies for e-learning– Learning Theories and Approaches for e-learning– e-Learning Models– Conceptual Representations– Pedagogical Models– e-Learning Pedagogical Strategies– e-Learning Tactics– Developing e-Learning for Specific Subject DomainsInstructional Design Issues– Designing e-Learning Settings– Developing e-Learning Pilots and Prototypes– Creating e-Learning Courses– Collaborative Learning– Problem-based Learning– Inquiry-based Learning– Blended Learning– Distance Learning– Designing e-Learning Tasks– E-learning Activities– Online Groupwork– Experiential Learning– Simulations and Modelling– Gaming and Edutainment– Creativity and Design Activities– Exploratory Programming– Learning Analytics
e-Learning Delivery Issues– e-Delivery in Different Contexts– Higher and Further Education– Primary and Secondary Schools– Workplace Learning– Vocational Training– Distance Learning– Online Assessment– Innovations in e-Assessment– e-Moderating– e-Tutoring– e-Facilitating– Leadership in e-Learning Delivery– Networked Information and Communication Literacy Skills– Participation and Motivation in e-Learninge-Learning Research Methods and Approaches– Action Research– Design Research– Course and Programme Evaluations– Systematic Literature Reviews– Historical Analysis– Case Studies– Meta-analysis of Case Studies– Effectiveness and Impact Studies– Evaluation of e-Learning Technologies– Evaluation of Student and Tutor Satisfaction– Learning and Cognitive Styles– Ethical Issues in e-learning
e-Skills and Information Literacy for Learning– Teaching Information Literacy– Electronic Library and Information Search Skills– ICT Skills Education in Schools and Colleges for Business, Industry and the Public Sector in Adult, Community, Home and Prison Education Informal Methods (peer Groups, Family)– Education for Computer-mediated Communication skillsNetiquette Online Safety for Children and Vulnerable Users Cybercrime Awareness and Personal Prevention– Student Production of Online Media Web Design Digital Storytelling Web 2.0 Tools etc.– Digital Media Studies 

The Conference will be composed of several types of contributions:

    • Full Papers – These include mainly accomplished research results and have 8 pages at the maximum (5,000 words).
    • Short Papers – These are mostly composed of work in progress reports or fresh developments and have 4 pages at maximum (2,500 words).
    • Reflection Papers – These might review recent research literature pertaining to a particular problem or approach, indicate what the findings suggest, and/or provide a suggestion – with rationale and justification – for a different approach or perspective on that problem. Reflection papers might also analyze general trends or discuss important issues in topics related to the conference. These have 4 pages at maximum (2,500 words).
    • Posters / Demonstrations – These contain implementation information or work-in-progress and have two pages at maximum (1,250 words) besides the poster itself (or demonstration) that will be exposed at the conference.
    • Tutorials – Tutorials can be proposed by scholars or company representatives. A proposal of maximum 250 words is expected.
    • Panels – Discussions on selected topics will be held. A proposal of maximum 250 words is expected.
    • Invited Talks – These will be made of contributions from well-known scholars and company representatives. An abstract will be included in the conference proceedings.
    • Doctoral Consortium – A Doctoral Consortium will discuss in group, individual projects and on going work of PhD students. Prospective students should send a report of their PhD projects and work so far with a maximum of 4 pages (2,500 words).
  • Corporate Showcases & Exhibitions – The former enables Companies to present recent developments and applications, inform a large and qualified audience of your future directions and showcase company’s noteworthy products and services. There will be a time slot for companies to make their presentation in a room. The latter enables companies the opportunity to display its latest offerings of hardware, software, tools, services and books, through an exhibit booth. For further details please contact the publicity chair –

This is a blind peer-reviewed conference.


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