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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа


6 of the best free language learning sites

Learning a language has a multitude of benefits including making us smarter, building our multitasking skills, improving our memory, and making us more perceptive. In order to aid the development of this important life skill – and to celebrate European Day of Languages – EPALE has compiled a list of top websites for language learning.
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Learning a language has a multitude of benefits including making us smarter, building our multitasking skills, improving our memory, and making us more perceptive. In order to aid the development of this important life skill – and to celebrate European Day of Languages – EPALE has compiled a list of top websites for language learning.


  1. Busuu

As well as winning the the BETT Innovator Award, TechCrunch Europe Award, Busuu has also been named ‘Best Education Startup in Europe’ by EdTech Europe. It has an international community of over 50 million native speakers and is available in 12 languages. The content is curated by an in-house team of educational experts and teachers and the site provides you with personalised feedback on your exercises via an integrated chat feature.


  1. Duolingo

Duolingo provides language lessons in 13 languages with speaking, listening, translation, and multiple choice challenges at different levels. You can instantly see which answers are correct and set new challenges to help further your progress. Duolingo helps you stay on track by recording how many days in a row you use it and allowing you to earn points from your progress. Teachers can also track students’ learning.


3. Learn a language

    Learn a language offers interactive audio/visual Learning Lounge to assist you in learning a foreign language. There's also a Lingo Dingo game to help learn a language online. The site includes important phrases like greetings, survival expressions and slang words in 19 languages. 


    4. FSI Languages Courses

    Foreign Language Institute courses were designed by linguists and have high-quality learning materials. They were developed by the United States government and lessons are available in 48 languages.


    5. Open Culture

    Open Culture offers a repository of free resources in 48 languages. Resources are curated on a regular basis. 


    6. Erasmus Plus Online linguistic support

    There is a specific tool available for Erasmus Plus participants, the Erasmus Plus Online linguistic support. This tool is available in six languages and it is specifically designed for participants in mobility. These courses are developed to assist beneficiaries to improve their language skills before they travel to their country of destination. Students are required to undertake a language assessment and need to have been selected by their sending institutions before they use the tool.


    Happy language learning!

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    Thank you for a helpful post. I visit some of these websites from time to time. But I think they are good for refreshing already acquired knowledge and spreading vocabulary.

    My personal experience is that the biggest problems were to start talking and understand native speakers.

    That's why I decided to learn in a small real-time online classroom with a real teacher who challenged and sensitively corrected us so we did not get the wrong habits and I made the greatest and fastest progress this way.

    Certainly, there are many online language courses, I would like to recommend from my experience.

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    Dear Eva, thank you for sharing this interesting post. I'd like to add my personal opinion too. I think that language learning process should include different aspects: vocabulary, grammar, listening and reading abilities, as well as the speaking ones. The apps and websites you suggest are great, in particular for enhancing the vocabulary and the grammar. But when it comes to speak a language, everything changes: the students need to spend some time in practicing a language in order to feel more comfortable with the language itself. There are so many ways to do it, but I think that the easiest and cheapest one is attending real-time online lessons with language teachers. I'd like to suggest you the website Naboomboo (, maybe you'll find it interesting. Thank you for sharing your ideas and opinions! 
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    I'd like to talk to you about a language website:

    Dear Eva,

    thank you, this list is very good and interesting, and if I may, since I work in this field, I'd like to introduce to you my online language learning platform Lingostan: a platform that connect teachers and students of all languages. Every new student get 3 free lessons (no purchase required) and you can choose your teachers (who are indipendent). Moreover, there is no obligation to buy packages, so the website is very affordable for everyone. Lessons are conducted on Skype and you can even have just informal conversation, if your level is more advanced. The aim of the site is to make people speak with native speakers, the best way to fully master a language.
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    The best way to learn a language is to practice that language. So if you like to learn a language in easy and faster way, you should some online language learner forums. Thesen are all-in-one language platform connecting people from all around the world. Here you can talk to the native speaker for language learning.

    Joe O'Toole

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    Thank you for the full list provided, I just think that talking with other language learners or better, native speakers is the best and fastest way to practice a language, we just love the way ijtalk ( is maintaned and developed, it is easy to find someone to talk with without a need to use external tools. Of course learning the basics should be done by other learning tools (like grammar book or online course).

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    I recommend 
    Penpaland is the free social networking site for online correspondence, cultural exchange,learning foreign languages,sharing photos,files and videos.
    Language exchange based website ,on penpaland you can learn/teach language and make friends from travel destinations.

    By the way you can post articles about your language or read articles on penpaland.

    Another feature is "Penpaland Answers" You can ask public questions and wait for best answers.

    You can fill your profile hobbies,intrests,language that you speak and which you want to learn ,
    if you have travel plan there is profile travel destination field and you can search people by language or country.

    Penpaland has a messaging system and private chat so you can speak with people easily.


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    Rita Vargalytė
    Вт., 05/12/2016 - 11:08

    Šiuo metu pati mokausi anglų kalbos, tad šio straipsnio dėka sužinojau, kur papildomai galėčiau patobulinti šios kalbos žinias. Mano nuomone, kalbų mokymasis virtualioje erdvėje yra itin puikus būdas norintiems išmokti kalbą ar pagilinti žinias, atliekant įvairius pratimus, kalbėjimo, rašymo užduotis.

    Norėčiau pasidalinti naudinga nuoroda, kur mokytoja Rolanda pataria: kaip kalbų mokytis naudojantis SuperMemo puslapiu; kaip daugiau sužinoti iš puslapio SnappyWords; kaip mokytis žodžių naudojantis Quizlet puslapiu; kaip naudotis edX kursais; kaip ieškoti filmų Youtube ir kaip sužinoti daugiau iš IMDB. Tikuosi, kad ši nuoroda  Jums bus naudinga. 

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    For me the best one of the list is duolingo, it's free and really powerful. But as a social network I miss is a free language social network. I have been learning Russian for over a year for free with native speakers. It is so handy because it has a video system integrated in the browser, a translator and you have so many opinions and rating of all the users.

    What I do when I contact a new user, is to check his/her ratings then I prefer an audio call and when I trust him/her I change to video. Moreover it has an instant video match feature, so you just press a button and start to practice with a user that matches your languages.

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