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EPALE - Avrupa'da Yetişkin Öğrenimi Elektronik Platformu

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Integration model of social reality according to George Ritzer and integration of migrants in EU countries.

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EMI (European Model of Integration of Migrants and Refugees) provides a basic understanding of the process of integration and helps stakeholders find an optimal path to successful integration.

The model EMI is based on the theory of sociological reality, George Ritzer.

According to the theory, integration takes place on 4 levels:

  • personal (microsubjective)
  • social (micro objective)
  • cultural (macro-subjective)
  • statal (macroobjective).

Within the project "From intention to implementation based on European know-how" we want to look at the integration process of migrants and refugees within these 4 levels nationally and compare it across Europe.

Our goals are above all a sensitization and an understanding of the integration process as well as European networking of individual national actors within the 4 levels under consideration.

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