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EPALE - Elektronisk plattform för vuxnas lärande i Europa


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Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
The project aims to train trainers working in structures supporting young people in vulnerable situations (disaster victims, refugees, displaced persons) facing difficult situations in Europe, the Sahel and the Middle East. ECOPLUS also aims to support these young people in the development and experimentation of eco-responsible projects within their living community. Initiated by the World Committee on Lifelong Learning (WCLL) and its partners, the project includes a training component and a support component to encourage eco-responsible initiatives. The direct beneficiaries are young people aged 16 to 29, who carry out eco-responsible projects, while the local population is an indirect beneficiary. Objectives include improving living conditions and developing skills in hygiene, health, safety, and environmental preservation. The consortium of partners will be composed of CMAtlv, Senghor University, three EU partners (Italy, Germany and Sweden...), as well as one partner in Burkina Faso, and another in Jordan, will implement the project in conflict zones and disadvantaged places. Impact measures will assess youth participation, skill level, project success, trainer certification, trainer satisfaction, and availability of educational resources. The project aims to create eco-responsible leaders capable of positive initiatives in their communities.
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Alexandre GINOYER
|Publicerad den 5 månader sedan
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
Currently leading a small-scale project on the observatory of innovative practices in the field of employment of older workers, we would like to deepen this topic and forster capacity buiding of career advisors.
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Anna Goloubtsova
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
|Publicerad den 5 månader sedan
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
Looking for a hockey clube for a KA182 job shadowing for coaches
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Profile picture for user Luigi Balacco.
|Publicerad den 5 månader sedan

As National Directorate, we are looking for institutions dealing with adult learners. We need to have a jobshadowing program for five days. We can have a mutual partnership also. 

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Bilal Duranel
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
|Publicerad den 5 månader sedan