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EPALE - Elektronisk plattform för vuxnas lärande i Europa


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Organisationer som letar efter samarbetspartners i mitt land

Ackrediterade Erasmus+ koordinatorer som söker efter nya konsortium-medlemmar


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Hitta den senaste informationen om hur EU främjar vuxnas lärande

Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
Adult Education Institution Dante in Rijeka specialises in facilitating Staff Mobility for teachers, trainers, non-teaching experts, and Learning Mobility for adult learners offering customised training courses funded by the Erasmus+ Programme.
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Profile picture for user n00buoed.
Mirna Rubeša
Community Hero (Gold Member).
|Publicerad den 6 dagar sedan
We are interested to participate in ongoing or upcoming European projects focused on learning and education within the social issues for youths and adults. Feel free to contact us, we are at your disposal 👍
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Profile picture for user npeteess.
|Publicerad den 2 veckor sedan
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)


We are looking for a coordinator/leading applicant organisation which is specialised in Adult Education and Enogastronomic Tourism for a ready KA2 project. 

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|Publicerad den 2 veckor sedan
Since 2008 have we represented Sweden in highly qualitative and professional EU-projects to provide each project a set of unique tools to learn CPT (Cultural pedagogical theatre) within the social issues. . The competences and skills acquired during our CPT education and training experience will be recognized and validated in Europass format measured by ECVET. . We are interested to particpate in upcoming or ongoing project/s within social issued related where learning and education activities are or will be included.
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Profile picture for user npeteess.
|Publicerad den 1 månad sedan
Project Summary: "Didactic 2.0" aims to transform the educational landscape by developing an advanced educational application and biometric device. This initiative will personalize and automate the learning and assessment process, offering insights into students' emotional and physiological states during tests and enabling tailored educational support.
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Sylwia Korbut
|Publicerad den 1 månad sedan