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EPALE - Elektronisk plattform för vuxnas lärande i Europa

Partnership Details

Partnership offer for KA2 Strategic partnership

Börjar med
Maja Bizjak
| Inlagd den tors, 01/16/2020 - 10:26

We would like to join the Strategic partnership project as a partner. We are open for the subject connected to adult education (non-formal education, lifelong learning, counseling, working with vulnerable target groups).

We are public institution Ljudska univerza Celje – University for adult education -  that sees its meaning and vision in a modern educational center which continuously follows all the novelties in the field of education and thereupon offers high quality education to adults in terms of lifelong learning. In addition to formal ways of education, we also offer informal ways of education.

We educate, qualifie, provide counseling and grants support to: vulnerable target groups (immigrants, prisoners, mentally and physically inhibited or disabled, Roma people), adults wihout a completed elementary or secondary education, young people, employees, unemployed, retirees, families and anyone who wants to acquire new knowledge and skills.

Employees at the Adult Education Center Celje believe that the motif and aim of each individual should be lifelong learning and never-ending education and training, as this is the sole way to deal with the upcoming challanges and changes.

We would like to become partners for KA2 project to an organization which share the same vision and proceed the same goals.

Please contact us: or

Partnership Details
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National, Regional or local government organisation
Adult education provider
Media organisation specialised in adult education
Non profit organization

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