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EPALE - Elektronisk plattform för vuxnas lärande i Europa

National Support Services - Sweden



    The Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) is a government agency tasked with providing support to the education sector through a number of various activities. The council is located in Solna and Visby.

    The Swedish Council for Higher Education – area of responsibility

    • Providing information prior to higher education studies, managing the Swedish scholastic Apitude Test, producing regulations, and coordinating the admissions process to higher education,
    • developing and managing IT systems and electronic services for the education sector,
    • facilitating international exchange and training across the entire educational spectrum,
    • recognising foreign qualifications,
    • promotion, support and analysis within the higher education sector.


    Regarding International cooperation and mobility. UHR works to improve standards in Swedish education by providing people with opportunities for participation in international exchanges and cooperation. Via UHR’s programmes, schools, higher education institutions, vocational and adult education programmes and others are able to apply for funding for projects conducted in partnership with other countries. Teachers, students and pupils are examples of groups which may participate in exchanges. UHR also offers opportunities for work exchanges for state employees and preparation for work and traineeships at EU institutions.

    The Swedish National Support Services for EPALE is part of The Swedish Council for Higher Education.

    To read more about UHR’s international cooperation and mobility please visit the website

    NSS Sweden will promote EPALE as a tool where the adult learning community can find methods, inspiration, and networks all over Europe.

    The main objectives are to:

    • Make people aware of the possibilities and opportunities EPALE provides
    • Help people to see the benefits of the platform as a useful tool in their work
    • Make people willing to register as a user on EPALE
    • Encourage and motivate users to be engaged and make sure their contributions are of high quality and up to date


    Target groups and priorities

    NSS Sverige will focus on the prioritised areas for Erasmus+ and the defined EPALE focus areas.A specific focus will be given to guidance counsellors, formal education, staff at Folk high schools and libraries.


    Main activities

    • NSS Sweden will promote EPALE through different channels of communication (social media, digital campaigns, newsletters, attend at and organise information meetings, cooperation with different actors in the AE/AL field)
    • Contribution to the platform with high quality content identified from across Sweden (external writers, EPALE ambassadors, translations, the EPALE reference group)
    • Cooperation with CSS and other NSS on the implementation of EPALE


    NSS Sweden will strive to reach the minimum performance benchmark (MPB) of 350 new registered users per year and 144 NSS uploads per year. To be able to achieve these objectives and reach the defined target groups NSS Sweden will focus on both general and tailor-made information meetings/webinars and content that will be conducted during the contract period.

    Helena Wallinder

    Coordinator EPALE


    Mia Sandvik

    EPALE and Europass





    Adult education in Sweden

    Since the 1960s Sweden has ranked high among western countries in terms of its commitment to adult education. The adult education system and student welfare reforms of the mid-1970s carried on from the grassroots tradition of liberal adult study and education initiatives.

    The school system for adults includes municipal adult education, education for adults with learning disabilities and Swedish for immigrants.

    Municipal adult education (Komvux)

    Municipal adult education at basic level is to help adults gain the knowledge they need to take part in society and working life. It is also meant to prepare adults for further study. Municipal adult education at upper secondary level, in turn, is to equip adults with knowledge corresponding to the levels set for pupils at upper secondary school.

    Education in Swedish for immigrants is intended to equip adult immigrants with a basic knowledge of the Swedish language. A further purpose of Sfi is to teach reading and writing to immigrants who lack basic knowledge of these skills.

    Education for adults with learning disabilities (Särvux)

    Education for adults with learning disabilities aims to equip these adults with knowledge corresponding to that taught in compulsory and upper secondary schools for pupils with learning disabilities.

    Post-upper secondary vocational education and training instead of adult education

    Higher vocational education

    Vocational higher education programmes and courses may be organised by state higher education institutions, municipalities, county councils and private natural or legal persons. These programmes and courses will integrate strong links with working life and a sound theoretical foundation. They will also be designed and run by partnerships between businesses and education providers. Providers of these programmes may apply to the National Agency for Higher Vocational Education for eligibility for central government grants or special funds.

    Supplementary education

    Supplementary education is a supplement to the education system. It helps adults develop knowledge and skills in specific occupational fields and can help to preserve traditional trade skills, among other things.

    Liberal adult education

    Liberal adult education has a long tradition in Swedish society and is characterised by great freedom in setting its own objectives, while the Government defines the purposes of the government grants. These are to help to enable people to influence their own lives and encourage commitment to participating in developments in society. This support is also aimed at helping to close education gaps, raise the standard of education in society, and broaden interest and increase participation in cultural life. Liberal adult education includes folk high schools, study associations and student organisations at folk high schools. The Swedish National Council of Adult Education is responsible for distributing government grants to folk high schools, study associations and student organisations.

    +46 (0)10-470 03 00
    +46 (0)10-470 03 01