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EPALE - Elektronisk plattform för vuxnas lärande i Europa

NGO Estonian Adult Educators' Community


NGO Estonian Adult Educators' Community (EAEC) is organization of voluntarily joined individuals, which operates for public interest and connects Estonian Adult Educators. 
The main goal of the EAEC is to create supportive conditions for professional development and reflection of adult educators and thru it support the lifelong learning in the whole society. Professional development and reflection of adult educators are being supported by organisation of community’s actions in various forms, including virtual environment. 

The EAEC was established in 2010 and our main activities so far were concentrated in the virtual environment. The web-community of the EAEC on Facebook connects ca 1700 Estonian adult educators who participate in active communication, knowledge creation and experience exchange. 

The EAEC provides a non-formal education for adult educators and trainers on beginners and advanced levels. We are dedicated to quality in adult teaching, thus we provide a program for educators who are preparing to apply for the Certificate of the National Professional Qualification Standard for Adult Educators. 

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