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CONFINTEA VII Marrakech Framework for Action: harnessing the transformational power of adult learning and education

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Monika Petlušová

The Marrakech Framework for Action sets out key areas for action required to achieve this vision over the next decade. 

More than 1,000 participants, including Ministers of Education and high-level officials from the United Nations, attended the conference hosted by the Kingdom of Morocco and UNESCO in Marrakesh from 15-17 June 2022. They followed UNESCO's call for a new social contract for education and discussed how the transformative power of adult education and education for sustainable development can be used in the context of challenges such as the climate crisis, rapid technological progress and the changing world of work .

The "Marrakesh Framework for Action" sets out the main areas of action needed to realize this vision over the next decade. UNESCO Member States will work to realize the right to lifelong learning by improving the governance and quality of adult learning, supported by increased investment. They pledged to put inclusion at the heart of this effort, so that those most often left behind actually benefit from lifelong learning. One of the key findings of UNESCO's Fifth Global Report on Adult Education (GRALE 5) presented at the conference was that adult education is still not reaching those who need it most.

Available in: English, French, Spanish

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UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, 2022
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