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EPALE - Elektronisk plattform för vuxnas lärande i Europa


Breaking News: the brand-new EPALE Online Course Catalogue is out!

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EPALE Editor
EPALE Online Course Catalogue.

EPALE has launched a new section to help its community access online training and courses.

With a mission to ensure new chances to upskill and reskill, the platform has now a brand-new space to be accessed with the other learning opportunities under the section LEARN.

The Online Course Catalogue provides access to online training and certification opportunities for Adult Learning Professionals who want to improve their level of expertise. Such courses have been selected and are available on recognised and reliable online platforms from reputable institutions.

We are very happy to announce the launch of this new feature that enriches the many opportunities available on the platform!

The LEARN section is now a true upskilling and reskilling hub, offering many opportunities to gather and develop new competences.

Under this menu section you will find a bunch of MOOCs, OERs, Resources, Resource Kits as well as the new Online Course Catalogue. So, a broad range of educational materials readily available to be used in an educational context and easy to adapt and integrate for your specific needs.

Do not miss out on the chance to keep up to date with the many available opportunities. ...and we hope you love the new section as much as we do.

Have a look around, choose your course and never stop upskilling!

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