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EPALE - Elektronisk plattform för vuxnas lärande i Europa

Partnership Details

Adult education provider interested in being a partner in K2 activity projects

Börjar med | Inlagd den mån, 01/30/2017 - 08:53

Baltic Computer Academy is interested in being a partner for K2 activity projects connected with adult education, training or/and competency-based training, competency development and management.


About BDA:


Baltic Computer Academy (BDA)  is the leading centre in the Baltic region for training and certification of professionals and users in the field of ICT, project management, and business process management, which has been successfully operating since 1994.


The full range of services provided by BDA includes:

• Employee training

• Employee assessment

• Professional certification

• Project management

• Business consultations

• Development of competency frameworks

• E-learning solution development

• Research in fields of employee assessment and development


The quality of BDA‘s services is acknowledged by the accreditation of the world's leading information and communication technology vendors – BDA is Microsoft Silver and Novell Gold Certified Partner in learning solutions, Cisco Partner in learning solutions, as well as the only in Latvia Oracle Certified Education Centre, Project Management Institute registered education provider and ITIL authorized training center, as well as the Prometric, Kryterion and Pearson VUE authorized testing centre.

Since 2012 BDA has been involved in research as part of the IT Competence Center program sponsored by ERAF and supervised by Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (IDAL) and directed by Ministry of Economics of Latvia.


BDA has been involved in research in the field of competency management for 3 years and has developed a universal competency management framework that can be customized for different organizations.


We have managed various projects with ESF funding at national and international level, also projects that are connected with social inclusion, etc. We have managed projects of a large scale that could be considered social responsibility projects – training of seniors regarding basic computer skills, training of pupils in IT courses that have  learning difficulties and low grades, also youth in a project where the training was mixed with an internship in various large enterprises and many others. We are also members of many professional associations and have collaborated with many NGO organisations, also with organisations dealing with gender inequality issues in Latvia and Lithuania.


We are more than sure that we could be a valuable partner.

Partnership Details
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Research organisation or a think-tank
National, Regional or local government organisation
Organisation specialised in learning or career guidance
Adult education provider
Media organisation specialised in adult education

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