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EPALE - Elektronisk plattform för vuxnas lärande i Europa


European inventory on validation of non-formal and informal learning 2014: country report UK-Scotland

Profile picture for user naloseva.
The 2014 update of the Inventory aims to provide an overview of the state-of-play across 33 European countries, to monitor developments in this field, provide examples of good practices and thematic analysis of key issues relating to the design and implementation of validation initiatives.
The outcomes of the 2014 Inventory are:
  • A synthesis report;
  • 36 country reports, covering 33 European countries, and corresponding country fiches, - two fiches were produced for each country, one mapping the situation in 2010 and one in 20142. In this executive summary we treat each country report as a 'country’ in the presentation of the narrative and tables;
  • Two case studies providing examples of validation ‘in practice’;
  • Eight thematic reports.
Resource Details
European Commission, Cedefop, ICF International
Typ av resurs
United Kingdom
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