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EPALE - Elektronisk plattform för vuxnas lärande i Europa

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A harmonised curriculum for the European Youth Animator

Profile picture for user eleonora perotti.
eleonora perotti

The Erasmus+ “European Animators For Youth – EAFY” project was launched in 2019 in a view to contribute to the setup of an EU Youth Strategy able to address the challenges that young people are facing all over Europe, through the provision of a harmonised curriculum for youth workers. In fact, according to the European policy of recognition of competences, in this field there is no harmonisation between EU members countries and animators from one country are not qualified in others members states. Furthermore, this lack does not support mobility of animators at European level.

The first Intellectual Output 1 (available in English(link is external), French(link is external), German(link is external) and Italian(link is external)) gathers the most relevant knowledge, skills and competences identified by analysing the EU-28 national frameworks of competences, integrated with those life skills likely to better cope with the major current socio-economic trends affecting the life of young people in Europe. This tool is addressed to youth workers, organizations and institutions active in the youth field.

The countries’ review contributed to identify different processes and approaches related to legislative, training, professional context and the definition of the youth work in the analysed countries. Furthermore, a “learn more” box contains useful information and sources to look at courses, trainings, networks and institutions. 

The developed curriculum will serve as a basis for further improvements in the standardization and readability of the different qualification systems around Europe, in a knowledge-based and more inclusive society (namely in the form of a European Qualifications Framework - Level 4). This is indeed the content of the Intellectual Output 2 that will contribute to improve the transparency and recognition of all types of skills and qualifications, considered crucial to enable people in Europe to access opportunities to be truly mobile between employment, learning opportunities or within and between countries. The final result of this field research consists in the establishment of what a European Youth Animator knows, the skills s/he has and what s/he can do.

Curious to discover more about the EAFY project and its results? Follow our Facebook channel(link is external) (@EuropeanAnimators) and do not hesitate to get in touch with the project partners:

Commune de Carbon-Blanc (FR), sends e-mail)

Aux Couleurs Du Deba (FR), sends e-mail)

CIAPE – The Italian Permanent Learning Centre (IT), sends e-mail) and sends e-mail)

Business Training SA (BE), sends e-mail)

Stadt Bochum (DE),

Resource Details
youth animatore giovanile curriculum
CIAPE Irene De Laurentiis
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