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EPALE Podcast - Adult Learning And Museum Education

How do museum spaces affect informal learning? How can a new museum be created bottom-up and involve citizens in the process?

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Are adults a target group for museum exhibitions, or have audience categories become blurry? How do museum spaces affect informal learning? How can a new museum be created bottom-up and involve citizens in the process?

In the EPALE podcast on adult learning and museum education, EAEA’s Gina Ebner has spoken with experts from Italy and Finland to get to know inspiring examples of learning that takes place in museums, including a soon to be established Bildung Museum.

Contributing experts
Key resources

Lifelong Learning in Museums: a European Handbook

NEMO webinar: Teaching for empathy in arts museums

Resources of the NEMO working group: the Learning Museum

Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation

Bildung: Inclusive Lifelong Learning Systems

EPALE Podcast transcript - Adult Learning and Museum Education.pdf
(284.7 килобајта - PDF)
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Profile picture for user imuraskovska.
Ingrida Muraskovska
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Thu, 02/24/2022 - 18:45

Muzeju iespējas tiešām ir daudzveidīgas. Atceros vizīti Leipcigas Skolu muzejā. Tur mūsu grupai piedāvāja piedalīties skolēnu lomā divās mācību stundās - pionieru laika un ķeizara Vilhelma laika. Tas bija neaizmirstams piedzīvojums. Ar stāstījumu vai attēliem nevarētu gūt tādu iespaidu, kāds mums bija šais stundās.  

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Profile picture for user ramonmangion.
Ramon Mangion
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Thu, 02/03/2022 - 12:58

Thanks for this contribution. This is a personal area of interest whereby I also wrote a paper regarding a local case study. Museums have great potential. We need to think about adult education principles integrated within the educational approach of museums.

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