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Social Tailoring: HUB for training, creativity and tailoring

One of the objectives of the EU project "Social Tailoring" is the establishment of a "HUB for training, creativity and tailoring" in 4 countries

Profile picture for user Pia Antonaci.
Giuseppina Antonaci
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

One of the objectives of the European project "Social Tailoring" is the establishment of a "HUB for training, creativity and tailoring" in each partner country, namely Spain, Italy, Portugal and Republic of North Macedonia. They will be innovative training centers to promote creativity, to train beneficiaries on tailoring skills, with the aim of social and professional integration of disadvantaged learners.

The Social Tailoring Hub represents an important opportunity for the inclusion of individuals belonging to vulnerable groups. Long-term unemployed, young people looking for their first job, people with physical and mental disabilities, and other people at risk of exclusion can find an opportunity for training and job inclusion. Through tailoring and design courses, they will acquire practical skills that will increase their chances of employment and promote social integration.

The HUBS will provide workshops about: Tailor-made repairs; Original tailoring creations; Packaging, Gadget and Merchandising; and manifacture from waste materials.

This service not only provides useful job skills, but also encourages the local community to practice reuse and sustainability.

The involvement of local companies will be essential to provide fabrics and materials for the project, but also to strengthen ties with the local community and promote a collaborative and sustainable approach, 

In conclusion, the Social Tailoring Hub represents an extraordinary opportunity for the community, acting as a center of social aggregation and inclusion. Through the combination of creativity, sustainability, and solidarity, the Hub offers a welcoming environment where people of different ages and backgrounds can collaborate, and learn new personal and professional skills. 

For more information about the "Social Tailoring" project, you can follow the social media pages:

Facebook @socialtailoring

Instagram @socialtailoringproject

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