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The website for the European Year of Skills is here

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Lifelong Learning Platform

Website European Year of Skills

The European Year of Skills 2023 (EYS) is set to give a fresh impetus to lifelong learning, empowering people and social partners to contribute to the twin transitions, supporting innovation and competitiveness, as well as valuing all skills, competences and knowledge. In the words of President von der Leyen, “we need much more focus in our investment on professional education and upskilling”.

Surfing the momentum of a fast-paced and ever-changing society, the European Commission has launched the official website of the European Year of Skills. This website promises to gather contributions, events, tools and ideas to contribute to the goals of EYS. 

Skill up!

To keep the promise of up-skilling and re-skilling the adult population in Europe, the website also makes a test and free training available to all learners, in order to boost their digital skills! The test is powered by Europass, the European set of online tools and information to help individuals manage their learning and their career. 

Skills-related activities

The website presents all skills-related activities in a user-friendly way. Events, workshops, and grassroots initiatives are easily accessible on an interactive map, and users can freely upload their own activities to the cloud to promote them. The news section also provides valuable information on activities and key milestones across 2023. 

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Alexandros Tampakis
Hën, 02/06/2023 - 14:15

That's good news, we can also site the web page for dissemination purposes of our projects

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