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EPALE discussion: how to contribute to Environmental awareness in the field of adult learning

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EPALE Editor

As part of our January-March 2020 focus on Environmental awareness and protection, EPALE is organising a written discussion on how to contribute to Environmental awareness in the field of adult learning. The discussion will take place on this page on 18 March between 10:00 and 16:00 CET.

How to contribute to Environmental awareness in the field of adult learning.


As part of our January-March 2020 focus on Environmental awareness and protection, EPALE is organising a written discussion on how to contribute to Environmental awareness in the field of adult learning.

The discussion will take place on this page on 18 March between 10:00 and 16:00 CET and will be moderated by EPALE Thematic Coordinator Altheo Valentini and by EPALE Content Assistant Claudia D'Eramo.

► Share your stories, tips, case studies and good practices with the EPALE community!

Also, if you’ve ever been involved in successful projects dealing with environmental protection and awareness through adult learning, or if you have developed any relevant methodologies that aimed to improve or introduce the environmental consciousness in the adult learning field  – share your story with the other participants in the comments below!

The discussion on 18 March will include the following topics:

  • Do you know the UN Agenda 2030 and the related 17 Goals for Sustainable Development? are you contributing to their achievement?
  • What can we do to sensitise and empower the adult population in tackling climate change and global warming?
  • Sustainable management of adult education organizations... from carbon to digital footprint.
  • Present your best practices on environmental education and global citizenship.
  • Building locally engaged and internationally aware communities.

► Comments will be open on 16 March so participants can introduce themselves or post their comments in advance.

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sveika, piekrītu Tev par plastmasas maisiņiem kuros šobrīd veikalos tiek iesaiņota produkcija. Šajā ārkārtas situācijā uzskatu, ka jebkurš veids ir akceptējams, ja vien veikali rūpējas par cilvēku veselību, jo šobrīd galvenais ir cilvēku veselība, bet ļoti patīkami ir redzēt, ka ir veikali, kuri arī šajā situācijā spēj domāt par videi draudzīgiem iesaiņojumiem.
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Hmm, tas, ka kāda lieta ir “sasāpējusi” tieši šajā brīdi, nenozīmē, ka var aizmirst par visu pārējo . Visu ko darām, darām ar atbildību par nākotni. Pat par maisiņiem, īsā laikā rādīs papildus problēmu, ja koncentrēsies tikai uz aktuālo. Nebūsim bezatbildīgi .
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But the problem is, that FFF changed almost nothing till now! And we need urgent action - from the governments, corporations, all possible institutions, active in this area and with power to change the direction. FFF is good to change the opinions of people, to make the topic more visible, but the real action is mainly in the hands of big corporations. And they do not want to change their profits. 
So, in this system of "neoliberal capitalism," there is no chance for deep change, which would lead to the green world - as the system itself is the problem! 

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Hi Heike,
did you take part to the Fridays for Future movement?
It was really awakening the consciences... and had a great spread in the field of education.
May this awakening teach us that there are some little-explored needs still to be faced?

Claudia D'Eramo (Moderator)
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At my working place  we have recycling system, where students can recycle their trash  like plastic bottles and other stuff. Like this students learn how to be more eco friendly, they actually have a big interest in recycling and they are paying attention to that. We also have workshops happening in our school so students are educated in recycling and know how to do it properly. 
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I agree. In my experience recycling in schools really matters. It is good for the nature's safety and it is also great for students - they are learning how to take care, how to love others, how to respect things around them. I think it is so much more than just physical safety.
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This is a great practice in schools, because it not only educates pupils, but also their teachers. This way schools show their students how to properly recycle rubbish. A lot of children's families don't recycle at home , this is a great way for the school to show their pupils the importance of recycling. The children will become more encouraged and some of them will even ask their families to recycle rubbish at home. All in all, I think it should be mandatory for schools to recycle their rubbish
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Profile picture for user ncondnic.
Nicolas CONDOM
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Mër, 03/18/2020 - 10:51

Good morning all, I hope that you are going well in this troubled period. 
My organisation, Pistes-Solidaires, is also working on environmental awareness in a different aspect : the development of urban gardens. We coordinated a previous project called EU GO ( that was followed by two other projects, including Gardeniser Pro ( We are aiming, through these projects, at promoting the importance of urban gardens not only in their social function, but also to raise their environmental role. In this field, there is also the URBACT project RU:RBAN, led by the city of Rome ( that shows the interest of big cities in Europe in this topic. I hope that these projects will interest or help some of you.
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Profile picture for user claderamo.
Claudia D'Eramo
Mër, 03/18/2020 - 12:18

In reply to by Nicolas CONDOM

Dear Nicolas,
great projects!

Thanks for sharing them with us, so that you can inspire other organisation and educators.

EUgolearning is such an interesting tool! I invite everyone to have a look at it!

Also, Gardeniser may open up interesting opportunities.

Ru:rban too, in the Urbact "family", offers great inputs... please have a look at it.

Thank you so much Nicolas, very well done!

Claudia D'Eramo (Moderator)
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Profile picture for user Monique.
Monika Petlušová
Mër, 03/18/2020 - 10:42

Monika from NSS Slovakia is here. 

I would like to inform you about priorities of the Slovakia according to UN Agenda 2030. 
Slovakia perceives the 2030 Agenda as a tool as well as an objective. The Agenda represents a unique engine and opportunity to strengthen the elements of strategic planning and enhance coherence among economic, social, and environmental policies, domestically and internationally. Slovakia has defined 6 national priorities for the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda. They show the country’s tailor-made road towards a more resilient and sustainable society by integrating the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals along with country-specific objectives. All six national priorities are closely interlinked and are regarded as equally significant.
6 national priorities: 
1. Education for a life in dignity;
The first national priority focuses on education. It incorporates SDGs 4, 8 and 10, and as such contains aspects of decent employment as well. More than that, however, this priority emphasises that education is a life-long process, which should enable a life in dignity under rapidly changing circumstances and requirements. 

2. Transformation towards a knowledge-based and environmentally sustainable economy in the face of changing demography and global context; 
The second key area is centred on transformation towards an environmentally sustainable and knowledge-based economy in the context of demographic change. It integrates above all SDGs 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 but also adds a significant local factor – population aging. 

3. Powerty reduction and social inclusion;
Priority three focuses on poverty reduction and social inclusion. It integrates SDGs 1, 2 and 10, but even more importantly it underscores the pledge of the 2030 Agenda to leave no one behind. On a global scale, Slovakia performs very well on eradicating poverty and hunger. Averages can be deceptive, however, therefore this priority highlights the need to achieve sound results in the most vulnerable groups of society as well.

4.  Suistainable settlements, regions and countryside in the face of climate change;
The fourth national priority pertains to the sustainability of settlements, regions and the countryside in the context of climate change, and incorporates SDGs 6, 7, 11, 13 and 15. While a relatively wideranging priority, it lays special emphasis on diminishing regional disparities

5. Rule of law, democracy and security;
Key area five underscores the significance of rule of law, democracy and security, once again in the Slovak context. It supports SDGs 5 and 16, and moreover, it emphasises that implementing the 2030 Agenda is impossible without strong institutions and without decision-making based on reliable data. 

6. Good health. 
Good health was determined as the sixth priority area for Slovakia’s sustainable development. Achievements in this priority shall contribute mainly to SDGs 3 and 10. Apart from addressing health issues in the aggregate population, it accentuates the disparities in the health status of various groups of inhabitants and the need to identify the root causes of such incongruence.

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Manuprāt, ANO 17 ilgtspējīgās attīstības mērķi ir brīnišķīgi, taču neuzskatu, ka tiem nepieciešams termiņš. Šī brīža situācija lieliski demonstrē to, ka jebkurā mirklī var rasties neparedzams izaicinājums un pārbaudījums, kas krasi maina ikdienu un līdzšinējos mērķus, izmainot arī finansiālas prioritātes. Uzskatu, ka šiem mērķiem jāturpina strādāt ilgtermiņā arī pēc 2030. gada. Manuprāt, nepietiktu vienu reizi sakārtot veselības aprūpes sistēmas un izstrādāt kvalitatīvu izglītības sistēmu- tās būtu jomas, kurām būtu jāturpina attīstīties un uzlaboties ilgtermiņā. Otrkārt, uzskatu, ka 17 mērķu sadalījums ir mazliet plašs. Atrisinot nabadzības problēmu, automātiski tiktu atrisināta arī bada problēma, jo tie ir savstarpēji saistīti jautājumi.
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I totally agree with Sofia, because UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals are so superficial. I think this goals need to be more specific, and UN can start with problems what are related, for example, kids in Africa who are without food and also problem with poor people around the world or in exactly Africa. Because people who are from Africa is too poor for surviving in the normal world cities. But also simply giving them big money won't solve the problem. They are so poor not only in terms of money but in education and normal communication with people.
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Profile picture for user Dr. Szederkényi Éva.
Éva Szederkényi PhD
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Mër, 03/18/2020 - 10:34

Even though I am a Hungarian ALE professional, I would like to share a best practice I have witnessed in Ireland via the Irish Rural Link (IRL) while visiting Maynooth University as an Erasmus+ scholar. Founded in 1991 its aim is to develop the organisation and management of IRL in a manner that is inclusive, participatory and sustainable. As a non-profit organisation now directly represents over 600 community groups with a combined membership of 25,000.

Also the Irish Rural Link is determined to highlight, publicise and respond to key rural issues through operational projects and programmes and it is run by a small and dedicated core of professional staff members which aims at all times to drive forward the rural agenda, aid members and influence the various political levels on rural issues. A determined mission indeed. 
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Profile picture for user Dr. Szederkényi Éva.
Éva Szederkényi PhD
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Mër, 03/18/2020 - 16:36

In reply to by Claudia D'Eramo

Dear Claudia,
Thank you. My 'experimental learning' in Central Ireland had a huge impact on me.
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Profile picture for user Manika-Nia.
Manika-Nia Dixon
Mër, 03/18/2020 - 10:33

Hi everyone :), there are brilliant comments here already! I'd like to add that, while the 17 Goals for Sustainable Development are all important to address, #12 Responsible Consumption and Production, is one that I feel is a major component in tackling climate change. When we focus on reducing first and being responsible for what we use, we create sustainable management and can truly reduce our carbon footprint. Within adult learning, when this type of responsible comprehension is marked as vital, we ultimately create a better world that is sustainable for all.
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I agree with you, they are interconnected.
You can easily pay attention to #12 in daily life - and that's important to focus on this. But I also think that #11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and #14 (Life Below Water) are really essential in adult learning, too - it's simple to reduce the using of plastic bags, or to ride a bike, walk or use public transports instead of your own car
And it would be great to encourage more adults for strikes like Fridays For Future etc., to reach #13 (Climate Action)!
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Profile picture for user nkoelhei.
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Mër, 03/18/2020 - 10:33

Hi, no, I cannot refer you to any good practice Right now, but whereever AE Trainers are trained ( e.g. in the Frame of EU Actions) it would be possible to introduce the topic of SDGs and global learning in the trainings. Doesn't matter whether you teach English "which way is the Train Station" or "what are the SDG's and what do they mean to me"....
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Profile picture for user PeterMa.
Peter Maľa
Mër, 03/18/2020 - 10:06

The educational-presentation exhibition entitled How to see art … 2 (nature and landscape) presented between october 2019 - march 2020 in the Central Slovak Gallery in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia worked with the topic of nature and landscape set in various thematic contexts. In terms of curatorial selection, the exhibition presented approximately 60 works by approximately 40 authors. 
Exhibition worked with interpretative methods and forms concerning how to think about nature and landscape through art works at all levels of perception, explore it, get to know it and, last but not least, try to understand and respect it. It encourages and draws the visitor through an active game with the help of various educational and sensory aids to the creative thought process. The exhibition worked with art as an instrument of education. 
During the duration of the exhibition, various accompanying events was take place: guided tours, workshops, presentations aimed at the presentation of works by artists reflecting on the topic of the landscape, up to the screening of films and discussion lectures focused on the field of exploring and protecting nature.
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Peter, thank you for sharing that interesting information about your exhibition. In my opinion this projects really counts into the field of adult education. As it refers to non-profession adult education and is an public education model which works as informal adult education it is very wide and my catch a lot of people. As in adult education "participant orientation" is one of the most important things you implement it by offering different possibilties of how to experience the exhibition. So it also includes some elements of self-directed learning because the people can choose their prefered way, to deal with the topics you offer in the exhibition. That is good chance for a sustainable learning process. 
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Dear Peter,

there are many ways in which the arts and the ecology have interacted during the centuries, sometimes the first ones benefiting from the latter and sometimes viceversa. When it happens that the benefit is mutual, like in the case of "How to see art ... 2 (nature and landscape)" exhibition, then I have the percpetion that there cannot be a more valuable way to vehiculate environmetal awareness among the human beings.
Therefore, I take the chance to introduce another "ecoartistic" field, which I find very stimulating and that can be useful for those who are active in adult education: Ecocriticism, the study of literature and the environment from an interdisciplinary point of view.
Even just starting from the thematic page on Wikipedia, from where I have extracted the definition provided above, one can reach many other interesting sources of information and go deeper in the philophical and sociological understanding and interpretation of this borderline approach. 
Is there any similar intellectual movement that studies the relationship between the photographic image and the analysis of the environmental trends?

Kind regards
Altheo Valentini (Moderator)
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Profile picture for user nvalealt.
Mër, 03/18/2020 - 10:04

Dear all, 

we are officially starting the first online EPALE discussion of the year 2020
As you know, we are expecting EPALE users to share their experiences and debate on how to contribute to Environmental awareness in the field of adult learning. 
Therefore, in order to facilitate a generative dialogue, we kindly ask you to publish your comments in English
We will take care of moderating the discussion and address you to other relevant contributions. 
For example... why don't you start by checking the comments that have been already published during the last days?

Altheo Valentini (Moderator)
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Dear Mr. Valentini,
sorry for being maybe too sincerely, but is this form of "discussion" the most effective way to discuss? 
In my humble opinion not so much... There are for sure better and user-friendlier (and time-saving) tolls, which could be used instead of this forum. (If I would work this way in my daily life, almost no projects could be done :). 
The question is also, what is the aim of such a discussion. But anyway, I would propose to use some suitable tool for it. (Now it looks to me, as trying open a beer with a mobile phone - yes, it is possible, but the bottle-opener works better :).  

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Dear Peter Baláž, 

this is Filippo Mantione (EPALE Community Manager); just a quick comment to let you know that we understand your concern and I agree with you that additional tools could be integrated in the platforms to facilitate the communication among participants. 

Together with the Technical Team we are currently analysing the online discussion feature in order to find ways – to be developed in the next period – that could make the conversation clearer and easier to follow.

Please feel in any case free to share any suggestions with us. In the meantime I wish you a nice discussion and be careful with your phone... I am not sure I want to try to open a bottle with mine :)

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Profile picture for user nkoelhei.
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Mër, 03/18/2020 - 10:04

This topic should not be restricted to the "political science Department" or such, but take place in language Courses, cooking classes, excursions, everywhere. And it is important, next to critical thinking, to Show/teach strategies towards Action, not just teach Knowledge. 
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