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EPALE - Platforma Elektronike për të Nxënit e të Rriturve në Evropë

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EPALE Journal, N.5 June 2019. "Adult Education: Processes and Strategies"

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Alessandra Ceccherelli

Processes and strategies of adult education are at the centre of reflection proposed in the articles (researches and practices) collected in this fifth issue of the magazine "EPALE Journal on Adult Learning and Continuing Education".

Reflecting on the meaning of education in adulthood means looking after places, actions, subjects and citizenship practices. The editors Vanna Boffo and Laura Formenti write in the editorial:

"We asked ourselves where and how the training for adults was declined, with adults, beyond adulthood, that training that dressing itself in everyday life allowed women and men to become, to change, to transform themselves. Here, precisely, the transformation, the change, the process of becoming other than that which each one perceives in departure. Each process changes the human form of those who live and create it. It was precisely transforming and transforming, changing and the becoming that we were interested in capturing, albeit in a photograph, as a lens that stops the image. "

The previous issues, all available also on the Epale Journal web page, touched on the topics of skills and practical declination of knowledge (Epale Journal N.1), education in prison (Epale Journal N. 2) and entrepreneurship as competence (Epale Journal N. 3) alongside entrepreneurship (Epale Journal No. 4) fully related to learning.



Table of contents:


  • Reflecting on reception: seeking beauty when working with young adult migrants, Silvia Luraschi, Gaia Del Negro
  • Assessment and employability: educational pathways and human capital optimization in Sudan, Marianna Colosimo
  • Experiential training in organizations, Gaetano Fasano
  • Training processes for civil protection volunteers: the national Anpas model, Angela Spinelli
  • Improving the work of public catering operators: a training project, Giulia Messere, Sergio Mustica, Alessandra Millevolte, Paola Nicolini
  • #CUOREDINAPOLI: Pedagogical considerations on an adult training experience, between work on-site, cooperative learning and service l’earning, Stefano Maltese


  • The sense of continuing to educate ourselves in adulthood. An experience of non-formal learning at the University of the Third Age and Spare Time in Trentino, Laura Antonacci, Alessandro Ceredi
  • Communicating for expression and being: the literary education of adult learners uses the digital network, Mariadaniela Sfarra

Alessandrini, G. (ed.) (2019). Sostenibilità e Capability Approach. Milan:
FrancoAngeli, Maria Caterina De Blasis


EPALE Journal on Adult Learning and Continuing Education

“Adult Education: Processes and Strategies”

edited by Vanna Boffo and Laura Formenti

N.5, June 2019

ISSN: 2532 - 8956 (online)

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All issues of the magazine will be available, as well as on EPALE, also on the Italian Erasmus + website at the following address:



Epale Journal is an initiative born from the collaboration between Indire - NSS EPALE Italy and RUIAP, the Network of Italian Universities for Lifelong Learning, with the aim of underlining and stimulating the commitment of Higher university education in Italy for Lifelong Learning and the commitment to build solid foundations so that lifelong learning and education can be spread.

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ISSN: 2532 - 8956 (online)
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RUIAP - Network of Italian Universities for Lifelong Learning
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