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“News - fake news: what are the challenges of media literacy for citizens?”

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[Translation : EPALE France]

EPALE France team is organising a webcast on 24 June, at 10.45am entitled:

“News - fake news: what are the challenges of media literacy for citizens?”

The aim of this event is to shed light on the challenges of media and information literacy for all those involved in education, training, culture and media in France. The training of citizens (young people, educators, seniors, parents, etc.) to fight against hate speech on social networks, deconstruct conspiracy theories and decipher fake news is a major challenge. European cooperation in the form of dedicated funding and tools such as Erasmus+ promotes innovation and exchange of practice in this area.

This 1.5 hour webcast, developed with media sociologist Divina Frau-Meigs, featuring different testimonies of experts and civil society representatives, will highlight the importance of media literacy in the COVID period as well as shared European solutions. It will be hosted by Emmanuelle Bastide, RFI journalist. The webcast will be broadcast live and delivered in French.

Registration will allow you to receive the broadcast link 48 hours before the event.

To register


Main speaker

·        Divina Frau-Meigs, media sociologist, Sorbonne Nouvelle University

1/ What is being done in public policies in the field of media and information literacy?

·        Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot, Director for Youth, Education and Erasmus +, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, European Commission

·        Jean-Christophe Theobalt, in charge of digital mediation and media education, Ministry of Culture

·        Lionel Clémençon, Head of Erasmus + promotion for the vocational training, adult education and school education sectors at the Erasmus + / Education Formation Agency

2/ European experiments to combat the new threats of information and communication technologies

·        Denis Teyssou, editorial manager of the Medialab R&D of Agence France Presse: "YouCheck" project to help citizens decipher visual disinformation

·        Alessandra Falconi, Director of the Alberto Manzi Centre in Bologna: "Play your role": an example of a European experiment to combat hate speech on social networks

3/ What training and skills are available for citizens?

·        Monique Epstein, director of the E-Seniors association: media education for seniors

·        François Laboulais, in charge of the media and information literacy mission of the Ceméa: training of educators and parents in popular education


fake news





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