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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe


Learning Communities - EPALE Community Conference 2022

The first day of the conference hosts a special focus on the value of a (shared) memory in building communities, and on the role of adult learning and education in this process.

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EPALE Editor

Learning happens in communities, builds communities, and helps them grow. A special focus on the value of a (shared) memory in building communities, and on the role of adult learning and education in this process.


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In the video above you are able to watch the live streaming of the Learning Communities plenaries within the EPALE Community Conference.

The streaming is public, so no registration is required.

We warmly invite you to interact with participants and speakers using the comment section at the bottom of this page.

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Ut, 10/18/2022 - 11:35

That's all for today! Be sure not to miss:

- the new Erasmus+ register of education and training staff for support to Ukrainian refugees:

- the Community Stories initiative to share your passion and motivation as an adult educator. Hurry up, the call is open until 30 October!

- the 2022 User Survey, to give us your suggestions and help EPALE improve:

See you tomorrow for a very exciting day at the EPALE Community Conference! Take part by using the hashtag #ImagineEPALE

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Profile picture for user Sandra Federici.
Sandra Federici
Ut, 10/18/2022 - 10:50

I would have a question for all the speakers in the panel: In the context of the current war in Ukraine, what are the main risks you see in the interplay between different memories? Thank you!

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Profile picture for user Liga Kalnina.
Liga Kalnina
Ut, 10/18/2022 - 10:47

Maija Meiere-Osa spoke on relevant issues in Latvia during these polarising times. Let's all have big hearts like the giraffe and open minds when conversating with opinionated individuals on recent events in Europe and painful national memories.

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Ut, 10/18/2022 - 10:44

Curious to have more details about the project mentioned by Maija Meiere-Osa?

Have a look at these two blog posts published on EPALE:

Are you curious about the Non Violent Communication method used in the project, and maybe apply it in your work?

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Ut, 10/18/2022 - 10:41

Here are some of the projects mentioned by Dineke Stam:

And here are some hints, if you want to know more about the methodologies behind Dineke's work:

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marta meloni
Ut, 10/18/2022 - 10:04

I read you work in a collective that includes scholars, activists and also artists. What is, in your opinion, the contribution of art and artists to this process of transformation? 

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Ut, 10/18/2022 - 09:42

Here's some of the initiatives on Skills mentioned by Manuela Geleng:

The 2023 European Year of Skills:

The Pact for Skills:

Council Recommendations on ILAs and Micro-credentials:…

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Ut, 10/18/2022 - 09:36

Have a look here, if you want more information on the initiatives mentioned by Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot:

The 2022 European Year of Youth:

Erasmus+ Programme:

To create your Erasmus+Space now:

The new Erasmus+ register to support Ukrainian refugees:

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Ut, 10/18/2022 - 09:21

Here are the workshops we have prepared for you.

Follow the links to know more, and register to save your place!

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Ut, 10/18/2022 - 09:09

Good morning everyone!

And welcome to the first day of the 2022 EPALE Community Conference. We are looking forward to starting the streaming in a few minutes!

If you are not an EPALE registered user yet, register following this link:

As a registered user, you'll be able to write your comments here, and fully interact with our speakers and with the rest of the EPALE community!

Have a great Conference!

Sara - EPALE Team

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