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EPALE - Platformă electronică pentru învățarea adulților în Europa


What you always wanted to know about the Green Deal in the tourism industry but were afraid to ask ...

Profile picture for user n002e2k2.
Michael Schwaiger
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

We started our project with the question of whether and to what extent C-19 has changed our tourism behaviour and whether this might not be an opportunity for a green turnaround in a very resource-intensive sector.  The course we have developed is designed for SME managers, but can also be used in general adult education! Find out what you already know about standards and contents of sustainable tourism ... and what you can still learn! There are 20 units covering a wide range of topics, all materials are downloadable, tutorials give an overview of the most important things! All materials are available in ENG, GER, ITA, POR and ROM on the project website ( 

But be careful: This course might affect your next holidays ;-) ...

For more information please contact us …

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Mihaela Popovici
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

Media Education for Aware Adults

Media Education for Aware Adults

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Proiectul FAST: O Inițiativă Erasmus+ pentru Formarea Adultilor prin Specializarea Trainerilor

In perioada 01.03.2023- 28.02.2024 Fundația pentru Dezvoltarea Economiei Sociale (FDES) a derulat proiectul FAST (Formarea Adultilor prin Specializarea Trainerilor), nr. 2022-2-RO01-KA122-ADU-00099155, finanțat prin programul Erasmus+.

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Luminita Ramona Bandas

Diseminare- „Beyond borders-etwinning contact-making seminar”, Dublin

Erasmus+, Acțiunea cheie 3

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