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EPALE - Platformă electronică pentru învățarea adulților în Europa



DigiEduHack 2020 registration is open!

Profile picture for user nvalealt.

DigiEduHack 2020.

The DigiEduHack 2020 edition has been launched and interested organisations can now register to become hosting venues of online hackathons, physical hackathons or blended models! The next series of Digital Education Hackathons will take place 12-13 November 2020.

The DigiEduHack 2020 is the annual meet-up of educational stakeholders of all backgrounds. It is a chance to meet and to co-create the future of education. As part of the European Digital Education Action Plan, DigiEduHack is organised as a network of co-creative hubs that aim to bring out user-driven innovative solutions to educational challenges.

The main DigiEduHack event will be hosted by Hochschulforum Digitalisierung and DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service), under the German Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Many local events will take place at the same time across Europe and beyond. Local hosts, from universities to schools to NGOs or companies, can join the movement and play an active role in bringing innovation to education and become part of a European-wide community envisioning the future of education in a digital age. The plan is that the local hosts will arrange a 24-hour hackathon over 48 hours; they will have the freedom to choose the times themselves.

DigiEduHack attracts stakeholders from across the educational spectrum and provides them with a platform to co-create the future of learning and education around 8 themes, based on ongoing or upcoming educational issues faced by the European Union:

  • Access and Availability
  • Challenging the Foundations of Education
  • Learning Spaces and Pedagogies
  • The Learning Experience
  • Individual Competences
  • Organisational Capability
  • Emerging Technologies for Education
  • Data Exploitation

Last year, from 130 innovative solutions co-created at local DigiEduHack events in 21 countries, 10 finalists were selected from 33 winning local solutions, with a significantly low proportion coming from the adult education field. With this second edition, the EPALE community can make the difference and highlight the needs of adult learners by engaging them in a digital co-creation experience.

Claudia D'Eramo

Don’t miss this opportunity! Check out the event website and submit your application online to become a host organisation. After signing up as a host, the DigiEduHack team will provide you with further information on the hackathon! A lot of supporting materials can already be found at

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