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EPALE - Plataforma Eletrónica para a Educação de Adultos na Europa


How will adult learning shape the future of work?

the future of work is humans

Profile picture for user n00aa1w4.
Marina Novkovic
Community Hero (Gold Member).

The future of work is humans. XPRIZE imagines a future in which people can rapidly attain new and more relevant skills to their current workplace -- and their next one, enjoy gainful employment and meaningful work, and use AI, automation, and disruptive technologies to improve human training, productivity, and work experience. Novel solutions developed in the $5M XPRIZE Rapid Reskilling competition will uplift the labor market in the U.S. and close the widening skills gap by providing free, fast-paced skills training to under-resourced communities facing systemic barriers to learning, mobility, and progress. With an unprecedented digital disruption and adoption caused by COVID-19 comes a new opportunity to radically change the lives of millions of Americans.

XPRIZE, the world's leader in designing and operating incentive competitions to solve humanity's grand challenges, presents XPRIZE's Crazy Ideas, a new weekly Twitter Spaces series bringing together experts to discuss innovations that are radical breakthroughs for the benefit of humanity. In this installment of Crazy Ideas (pre-recorded on June 24, 2022), we asked leaders and innovators in adult learning and workforce development to share their thoughts on adult learning's impact on the future of work. 

Topics included in the panel discussion:

  • Skills, credentials, and competencies that best complement the future of work. 
  • Trends and shifts (e.g., employment, technological, policy, etc.) that have been the most transformative, surprising, or impactful in workforce development/adult learning.
  • Creating an infrastructure that will achieve the future of work.
  • Supporting humans holistically in the future of work.

You may listen to the recording here


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Enid-teach Portugal
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