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EPALE - Elektroniczna platforma na rzecz uczenia się dorosłych w Europie

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Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
We are two centres located on the island of Malta. One provides vocational training in various subjects including child care, elderly care, business studies, tourism and hospitality and others. The second centre is an English language school. We are open to host interns, teachers and participate in partnership projects.
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Profile picture for user Rosanne.
Rosanne GALEA
|Opublikowana 3 miesiące temu
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
As the saying goes, ‘Art is all around us’, nonetheless it is a cultural resource that is largely underused by many teachers and educators so join us in August to learn how to make use of art and drawing in the classroom.
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Profile picture for user ntomasci.
|Opublikowana 11 miesięcy temu
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
SFE Malta provides training and capacity building courses aimed at bringing a positive change in the society.
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Profile picture for user ntomasci.
|Opublikowana 1 rok temu

Malta Exercise Health and Fitness Association is an NGO based in Malta working to encourage people to do more sports and to be more active.

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|Opublikowana 3 lata temu

At Future Focus we are ready to host interns from other countries in the following areas:

Childcare and elderly care

Cooks and waiters

Restaurant and tourism studies

Rozpoczęta przez
Profile picture for user Rosanne.
Rosanne GALEA
|Opublikowana 6 lat temu