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EPALE - Elektroniczna platforma na rzecz uczenia się dorosłych w Europie

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Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)

We are VET and Adult school with Erasmus Accredi

Rozpoczęta przez
Neno Gabelia
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
|Opublikowana 2 miesiące temu
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
We are offering opportunities to different kinds of job shadowing in different subjects and also administration of adult education. We offer wide range of educational programs in the areas of for example music, visual arts, literature, crafts, languages, computer technology, sports and dance, and a lot more. Everyone from infants to seniors have the possibility to study either individually or in groups. Working together in the equal community, group studies are natural and relevant to the education centre, but at the same time each individual has the right to choose what to do, in what way to do it, and what goals to set for themselves. Enjoying by doing, contributing to the general good mood and having the will to learn are all a big part of studying in an adult education centre. Mainly we welcome you during our semesters; 1.9.-30.11.2024 - 7.1.-31.5.2025. We are also looking for job shadowing organizations about adult education in different subjects. Our education isn't vocational education or training, so we hope that you have the same target group, and your studies are voluntarily. We are also looking for partners for student mobilities. Our main goal is to provide mobility opportunities for students with less opportunities and to activate our students.
Rozpoczęta przez
Anna Pellikka
|Opublikowana 2 miesiące temu
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)

We are VET and Adult school with Erasmus Accreditation of Adult Pro

Rozpoczęta przez
Neno Gabelia
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
|Opublikowana 3 miesiące temu