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EPALE - Elektroniczna platforma na rzecz uczenia się dorosłych w Europie



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Adult Education with 900 students and 70 teachers. We provide educations and courses within Special School, Municipal Adult Education and Swedish for Immigrants.
Kristina Faxell
  Norrtälje is a small, but growing, town situated north of Stockholm, by the archipelago. It is a town that attracts many tourists in the summer and many people have their summer cottages here. Norrtälje is a beautiful and pitoresque town with a blend of modern and tradition...
Barbro Pearson
The municipal adult education in Mora, Orsa and Älvdalen was founded in 1970 and offers a variety of courses for adults in the region. We offer courses in swedish for immigrants, courses at primary school level as well as lower secondary and upper secondary school level. We ha...
Jenny Bagge Anlind
I'm working with an international profile at the Swedish folk high school in Gothenburg, in western Sweden: The main aim of the studies at our school is for adults to get the needed qualifications to be able to advance to higher studies, or to im...
Profile picture for user Gabriel Brunegård.
Gabriel Brunegård
Långholmens folkhögskola (folk high school) is an adult education college in Sundbyberg, close to Stockholm city centre.The school is small and personal with about 90 full-time students and 14 staff members.
Eva Carnestedt Wahnström