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EPALE - Elektronisk Plattform for Voksnes Læring i Europa



Young Adults - EPALE Community Conference 2022

Watch the streaming of the Young Adults sessions on EPALE!

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EPALE Editor

Europe needs the active participation of young people, and their ability to imagine the future. Youth activism and civic skills are key to reclaiming the future. Let us give a voice to young adults and their views.


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In the video above you are able to watch the live streaming of the Young adult plenaries within the EPALE Community Conference.

The streaming is public, so no registration is required.

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
ons 19.10.2022 11:23

The live-streaming of the EPALE Community Conference takes a break.

Don't stray too far, since the EPALECommunityConference continues in the afternoon at 15 CEST! See you later for another exciting session on Skills Revolution!

Here's the link to the afternoon session:

In the meanwhile, share your thoughts and experiences on social media, using the hashtag #ImagineEPALE!

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marta meloni
ons 19.10.2022 10:59

Can online activism truly enhance our democracy? Or are we experiencing just another media hype?

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
ons 19.10.2022 10:53

To explore the work by Xavier Rambla on young adults' participation:

Hints from Hanna Toiviainen work:

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
ons 19.10.2022 10:50

You can still register for today's and tomorrow workshops:

Today! 11.30 - 12.30: Speak your voice! Free your future!…

Today! 16.30-17.30: Aligning skills and motivation for human-centered learning…

20 October 12.00-13.00: Creative ways to engage people with culture…

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
ons 19.10.2022 10:37

Some links and hints if you want to know more about the European Year of Youth and the EC policies on youth:

Voice Your Vision platform -

European Year of Youth activities -

4th Public Participation and Deliberative Democracy Festival -

European Youth Portal -

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Profile picture for user n009qige.
Panagiotis Chatzimichail
ons 19.10.2022 10:27

I really feel that such stories and experiences should and must be heard and shared. That's how we raise awareness of the diversity of youth and the diversity of issues we face. As youth, but also as young lgbtqi, as young women, as young people with disabilities, as young activists etc.

Thank you so much Ilyada. 

Very inspiring. 

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Profile picture for user NFabri79.
Natasha Fabri
ons 19.10.2022 10:27

Very insightful speech about menstrual justice, a term I wasn't familiar with.

I imagine this topic can be expanded to cover everything from access to, pricing of, education about health products to women's reproductive health and rights. 

Thank you Ms Eskitascioglu!

Natasha Fabri NSS Malta

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Martina Pierfederici
ons 19.10.2022 10:23

Activism requires passion, bravery, dedication, and credibility. Sometimes however it seems that activists are more under judgements than their battles and ideas, isn’t it? 

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
ons 19.10.2022 09:51

Good morning everyone!

And welcome to the second day of the 2022 EPALE Community Conference! The streaming will start in a few minutes.

If you are not an EPALE registered user yet, register following this link:

As a registered user, you'll be able to write your comments here and fully interact with our speakers and the rest of the EPALE community!

Have a great Conference day!

Sara - EPALE CSS team

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