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EPALE - Elektronisk Plattform for Voksnes Læring i Europa



Is the age of the learner a special need?

When communicating with the clients of the trainings, I have noticed several times a kind of apologetic remark: "You know, older people also come to the trainings". Older learners acquire new information and work methods more slowly, but there is no special need. People who are involved with trainings should not emphasize the age of the learner. Due to the rapid changes in society, lifelong learning is a way of thinking and a way of life for vigilant people of all ages.

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EPALE Keskus Eestis

This blog post was originally published in Estonian by Kaire Viil

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When communicating with the clients of the trainings, I have noticed several times a kind of apologetic remark: "You know, older people are also comeing to the training". I do not consider a person's age to be a special need. If there are many different people in the group, then the time learners and the trainer spends together is rather is rather enriching. Why doesn't the clients warning about a more experienced learner make me cautious? I would like to recall these experiences when I started my career I was also a learner in those days. I admired the gray-headed classmates for their self-confidence, intelligent thoughts and self-knowledge. I didn't have any professional real-life experience after graduating from the university, but I did have a lot of rich connections in my brain.


Good experiences are worth sharing

Experienced learners know and want to communicate during the training day, and their shared experiences and examples will be remembered by both the trainer and other learners in the group. Sharing thoughts and having valuable communications gives learners of all ages a sense of success and happiness. Feeling competent is an important motivator for learning and the trainer should use every opportunity to allow learners to show competence. When a person can express his / her opinion and thoughts in a different way in learning, it increases his / her sense of autonomy, which also increases the will to learn.


We break attitudes in the training room

My experience shows that intergenerational learning is a great way to break age stereotypes. At the beginning of the new semester, the students of TalTech Virumaa College recalled the joint digital skills training held at Virumaa Folk College last spring. Students gained experience in public speaking, and the elderly learned to excessively clean their computers and smart devices. Students remember this as a great experience of learning digital skills and gaining the courage to express themselves. The elderly digitaly-whise promised to inspect all the family's computers at home and to do digital waste cleaning work. Willingness and readiness to learn does not depend on age. People's life expectancy is increasing and there are more years of active life. This inevitably means constantly learning new skills, and fortunately there will be even more senior students in the future.


What should be considered with elderly learners?

Physical and social well-being is important for every learner, but older people need to have a comfortable chair and exercise needs to take into account that not everyone may be able to stand up for a long time. The learner feels more secure when he or she knows what lies ahead and what he or she should do during the school day. Many people have an initial distrust of new modern teaching methods. It is not worth planning too many different work methods for a training day.

Older people feel confident when the learning pace is right for them and the learning material is moderately complex. Finding out such material ensures a long-term experience of success and happiness. Chocolate produces happiness hormone in the brain for a few minutes, but learning and applying new skills in real life makes a person happy for a long time. 75% of the learners are visuals, and in the case of designing study materials for senior learners a larger font size should be considered, as well as giving the correctly sized bite for learning. These principles are useful in preparing and mentoring all trainings.

Older learners acquire new information and work methods more slowly, but there is no special need. In order to gain skills, people of all ages have to practice a lot and reflect on their learning activities, and we learn the best from mistakes. For example, the inventor of the vacuum cleaner, James Dyson, performed a 5127 test before the machine started working as desired. He got closer to his goal with each experiment, just like time-consuming practice will lead to life-changing results.

People involved in training should not emphasize someone's age when learning. Due to the rapid changes in society, lifelong learning is a manner of thought and a way of life for vigilant people of all ages. Curiosity, activity, and learning with a spark in ones eyes does not depend on a person's age.


Kaire Viil is a 7th level certified adult trainer, a lecturer, and a leadership coach at TalTech University. Her company Selged Sihid OÜ offers coaching and training services for self-development and trainers.

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Man, tāpat kā šī raksta autorei, ir bijusi līdzīga pieredze ar gados vecākiem kursa biedriem. Uzsākot maģistratūras studijas Vides zinātnēs, kas ir starpdisciplināra nozare un aptver daudzas jomas, man praktiski vēl nebija nekādas darba pieredzes šajā jomā. Kursā biju viena no visjaunākajām – lielākā daļa bija ap gadiem 40-55 un savas noteiktās nozares speciālisti… Mēs, “jaunie un zaļie”, lekcijās kā tāds sūklis uzsūcām visus viņu pieredzes stāstus un tie bija ļoti daudz un dažādi – sākot no mežsaimniecības, zivsaimniecības, beidzot ar vides psiholoģiju, vides aizsardzību, vides politiku utt. Šajā izglītības procesā ieguvēji bija gan pasniedzēji, gan studenti bez pieredzes, kā arī paši - pieredzējušie studenti. Šiem viedajiem studentiem bija iespēja satikt, strādāt un mācīties kopā ar citiem studentiem - speciālistiem, kas, savukārt, bija kompetenti savās noteiktās jomās. Par daudzām tēmām regulāri bija ļoti plašas diskusijas, kas tikai palīdzēja studentiem (un pasniedzējiem) saredzēt daudzas lietas no dažādām perspektīvām. Pēc maģistratūras beigšanas tieši šīs pieredzes man palīdzēja turpmākajā darbā, kas bija saistīts ar dažādu vides projektu rakstīšanu.  
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Iveta Pētersone
søn 22.11.2020 13:44

Paldies par šo vērtīgo rakstu! Arī es varu piekrist tam, ka, ja grupā ir daudzi un dažādi cilvēki, tad izglītošanās process ir daudz bagātinošāks un aizraujošāks. Man vienmēr ir paticis klausīties cilvēkos, kuri ir par mani vecāki un vairāk pieredzējuši, jo tieši viņu stāstījumus es daudz ilgāk paturu prātā. Mēdz gadīties, ka līdzīgas situācijas mēdz notikt manā dzīvē un, tad es izvērtēju, kā labāk rīkoties un kā labāk tomēr nedarīt, pateicoties šiem pieredzes stāstiem. 
Tomēr jāpiekrīt, ka lektoriem ir jārēķinās ar laiku, ka visu saplānoto var nepaspēt izrunāt, jo bieži mēdz izvērsties saturīgas un jēgpilnas diskusijas par kādu konkrēto tēmu, jo pieredzes un situācijas ir bijušas dažādas. 
Noderīgi šķita piefiksētie ieteikumi darbā ar vecāka gada gājuma izglītojamo. Ir jādomā par katra cilvēka labjūtību izglītošanās procesā un viņus mēs nevaram aizmirst. 
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Profile picture for user Ilze Onzule.
Ilze Onzule
Community Hero (Gold Member).
ons 11.11.2020 07:51

Gados vecāki cilvēki jūtas droši, ja mācīšanās temps ir viņiem piemērots un mācību materiāls ir mēreni sarežģīts. Šāda materiāla noskaidrošana nodrošina ilglaicīgu panākumu un laimes pieredzi.
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Profile picture for user maria.cutajar.
Maria Cutajar
søn 15.11.2020 08:10

It might be that elderly adult learners have special needs in the sense of potentially higher incidence of conditions and disabilities than one would expect to find in other education sectors. It might also be that their motivations for engaging in learning is more internal ... but perhaps it makes sense to delve more into the issue by seeing what they have to say for it, what educators and organisers working in the sector perceive of this :/
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