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EPALE - Elektronisk Plattform for Voksnes Læring i Europa

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Recognising Non-Formal Certificated Learning within and outside Qualifications Frameworks in the UK, the Netherlands and Finland

It is the final report of a project aiming to explore the approaches to recognise non-formal certificated learning in the UK (highlighting the different developments under the qualification frameworks of the devolved nations), the Netherlands and Finland. The project was conducted under the UK European Qualifications Framework (EQF) Work Programme 2012/2013. The project focused on the recognition of non-formal learning where learning and training is delivered, assessed and quality assured and learners receive some kind of certification outside of the formal system.

Additionally, case studies were identified for all participating countries to demonstrate the different approaches used for recognising certificated non-formal learning. Those are presented in the second part of the report.


Resource Details
Qualifications Frameworks in the UK
Type ressurs
Studier og rapporter
United Kingdom
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