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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa

Institut für Migrations- und Aussiedlerfragen - Heimvolkshochschule St. Hedwigs-Haus


The Institut für Migrations- und Aussiedlerfragen - Heimvolkshochschule St. Hedwigs-Haus e.V., is a state-recognized adult education institution in Ostwestfalen-Lippe/Germany.

The focus of our work is on people with a migration biography or experience of flight. For more than 60 years, we have been offering seminars, workshops and international projects in adult political education, especially in the areas of democracy, migration, flight, anti-discrimination, empowerment and intercultural exchange.

Our house is meeting place and open to all interested citizens. In particular, we address people from countries of the former Soviet Union, such as Russian-German (late) repatriates or Jewish contingent refugees, and advocate for the visibility of these marginalized groups from Eastern Europe. The aim of our activities is to promote civic engagement and participation and to strengthen individual resources of all people.

We have built up a Germany-wide network with immigrants and organisations and also have already gained experience in several Erasmus+ projects. Since 2011, our institution has been regularly certified by the "Gütesiegelverbund Weiterbildung" (German Quality Seal for Further Education). | for more information, please contact our contact person for EU projects:

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Adult education provider

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