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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за учење на возрасните во Европа



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Organisation Erasmus accreditation

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Пронајди најнова информација за тоа како ЕУ ги промовира политиките во учењето на возрасните?

Applied Filters

Peregrina is a counselling and educational centre for migrant women aged 16 and older. The organization was founded in 1984 and is situated in Vienna. We offer basic and political education as well as language courses and other adult educational programs, such as climate chang...
Sigrid Awart
We do Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) because we want to ask what is essential for a good life. We want to playfully find our strengths and believe that alternatives already exist in our world and just want to be found. We want to find out more about our society and our place in...
Kiara Gezels
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Fremde werden Freunde is an non-profit organisation based in Vienna, Austria working in the fields of migration, social inclusion and intercultural dialogue. The goal is to ensure social inclusion and wellbeing and to foster socio-political participation with a particular focu...
Kathrin Braun
TO Vienna is theatre that is everywhere where people want to express themselves through theater as a language, that promotes participation, community and exchange. Theater that is made by the people themselves as artists, instead of for them. We help shape a reality of life th...
Kiara Gezels
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
WasserCluster Lunz (WCL) is a non-profit research center that is affiliated with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, the University for Continuing Education Krems, and the University of Vienna and is financially supported by the Provincial Government ...
Laura Coulson