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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за учење на возрасните во Европа


Summer SIAE Newsletter brings inspiring stories

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Ana Peklenik
Community Hero (Gold Member).

In the summer issue of the SIAE Newsletter, the English edition of the SIAE e-Newsletter for the international environment, we share with our readers inspiring stories and initiatives. We wave goodbye to the European Year of Skills in the knowledge of how important they are. But we know that it is high time to make adult learning and lifelong learning more visible.

Here are articles about events and projects in which SIAE staff and other adult education professionals have been involved. Our role was visible at the Cultural Bazaar, we completed the international ReachOut project. We opened (and in the meantime closed) this year’s Lifelong Learning Weeks.

Let the stories published here inspire you to continue strengthening your skills this summer.

We wish you a pleasant reading.

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Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, Ana Peklenik (ed.)
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