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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за учење на возрасните во Европа


"Healthivity": the game designed to teach basic health knowledge

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Caridad Martinez

The European project entitled "Help to opportunities", also known by its acronym "H2O", focuses its attention on the Roma community present and large in the countries that have worked to bring this Erasmus+ project forward. 

Previous research outside this project also shows that the Roma population receives worse health care, both in terms of poorer access to health care as well as poorer quality of services, which only reinforces their distrust in the health care system. Moreover, after surveying and interviewing a large sample of members of the Roma community, the project partners found to be true that there is a lack of education on basic health concepts and practices among members of this social group.

On this basis, it was decided to prepare a training programme for lay Roma trainers for the implementation of the Health Literacy and Healthy Lifestyle Programme. The programme includes the health literacy and healthy lifestyle topics that the partner organisations have identified as relevant in each of their countries. 

But, how to make the learning of all this content more enjoyable and, possibly, more effective? This is where Healthivity comes in. Not only because of its colourful board, which already makes you want to start the game, but also because although it is a basic quiz game, it consists of a deck of cards with which players can gain advantages over their opponents and also handicap them. All of this makes you not only try to answer your question correctly, but also to be alert in case at some point you can benefit from the questions asked by the other players, and, in the end, we reach our goal: learning through fun


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