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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за учење на возрасните во Европа

Event Details

10 Nov

Game based learning

Profile picture for user Maksima Training Center Split Croatia.
Maša Reić

Participants of game based learning will have the opportunity to explore new innovating method for kindergarden, primary and secondary teacher, and get new perspective of proven ways to teach english.

Event Details
As planned
Вид настан
Professional development event
Веб страница на настанот
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
Детали за контакт
Целна група
Academics, students, researchers in andragogy
Adult learning networks & organisations
Projects & partnerships
Policy makers
Цели и задачи
Improve your ability to teach foreign language to younger student by diversyfing it
Find new ways to use traditional teaching method
Include technology in the language learning process
Upgrade your language skills with native speakers
Recognition / certification of participation
Котизација за учество

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