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Top tips on how to make your adult learning project eco-smarter

How to reduce the environmental impact of international projects? There are many things project partners can do! Take a look at the tips below, compiled by the environmental NGO ECOS.

Profile picture for user Markus_F_Palmen.
Markus Palmén

How to reduce the environmental impact of international projects? There are many things project partners can do! Take a look at the tips below, compiled by the environmental NGO ECOS.


Include sustainability guidelines in your proposal

  • From the very beginning of the project, have all partners agree on reducing the project’s carbon footprint
  • Set your standards high and allow less environmentally-conscious partners to learn from those who are more aware of environmental issues
  • Define a partner whose location is within a train ride from (most of) the other partners, and make this location default for physical project meetings


Project activities

  • Think of waste reduction, reuse and recycling, energy efficiency, mobility… for every action you undertake
  • Opt for online meetings and webinars, reducing the number of physical meetings and conferences
  • Choose sustainable options for conference venues (energy efficiency!), catering and conference packs or freebies
  • When planning your project’s communications materials, give preference to online publications



  • Locally, travel by foot, bicycle or public transport and avoid the car
  • For journeys below 4 hours, prioritise travel by train and local bus once at the destination
  • Where travelling by plane, consider the environmental impacts of airline and aircraft model (cf. the ICCT Airline Fuel Efficiency)
  • Book accommodation close to the meeting venue to reduce the use of transport and use Ecolabel tourist accommodation when possible (see the catalogue)



  • Whenever possible, opt for e-meetings instead of physical ones
  • If available, book sustainable catering services which reduce packaging and single-use plastic items
  • Avoid bottled water by providing tap water in glass jugs; avoid plastic cutlery, plates and glasses when possible
  • Order vegetarian menus – meat lovers will survive and you will reduce GHG emissions
  • Buy products (e.g. tea and coffee) in bulk to reduce packaging
  • Make sure bins are available for separate collection
  • Only print what is vital and reduce paper use (print on both sides and/or multiple pages per sheet)

ECOS is the European Environmental Citizens’ Organisation in Standardisation. A network of nearly 50 members across Europe and beyond, ECOS defends the environmental interests in European and international standardisation. • | Twitter @ECOS_Standard

Contact person: Kasia Koniecka, Communication Manager,

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